LA Julian

Yes, he and the studios both did their best to make it seem he'd appeared full-grown as a filmmaker like Athena, without any journeyman work or connections to help him level up to making Sixth Sense, but of course it wasn't true.

It's fascinating how many elevated fanboys hate their own roots and take every chance to show their contempt for the base from which they came…and by fascinating, I mean both sad and rather disturbing. We don't want to see that much of your id, writer dudes!

I can watch Gaslight over and over again, and the performances still slay me every time, even knowing how it plays out.

Two words: Akiva Goldsman.
(But generally I agree with you!)

What, you can't see us humans trying to colonize The Planet Of Hydrochloric Acid Rains, stark naked?

Adds a new twist to the irony of "like raaaaaaaain on your wedding day"!

Well, since this film is about adult diapers…

Especially since he only started claiming that The Happening was supposed to be a comedy-horror AFTER everyone panned it! "No, really, we MEANT it to look stupid!"

Case in point: Gaslight!

Some dude with a YouTube channel dedicated to reviewing genre films.

Will Smith didn't point a gun at Shyamalan's head, Will Smith was the only one willing to give him money to make a movie at that point, and quite possibly M. Night was the only one willing to work with Will Smith on this either. (Probably had tons of sympathy for "deeply felt personal vanity project that no studio

CS Lewis hashed all this out in the Thirties — there's no reason to assume, if there is a Creator, that we humans would be the only sentient life forms created — in fact it's really arrogant and hubristic to assume that.

Partly, I gather they changed it quite a bit.

I've noticed that the die-hard MNS fans are insisting that it's really, really good — the guy at Forbes did, but then, he'd been insisting that it was gonna be AWESOME and a return to the Old MNS from the first trailer, or even the first poster.

Also they are totally grading on a curve. Even many of the positive reviews on RT say this — "it's good for a recent Shyamalan movie" meaning not objectively good…

It works through a theological studies lens, too.

You know what kind of exonerates it, and kind of makes it worse?

Well, he was The Next Spielberg, after all! Disney should have respected that.

Except they're doing a terrible job as reenactors…which is what gives away the twist.

It was totally unworkable even before that, because they'd have had to reroute all aircraft away from most of the state of Pennsylvania for it to work.