Apparently he dubbed himself "Night" when he was a lad because he thought it was cool — and never grew out of it, unlike most of us, who don't use our Goth pseudonyms in public after college lit or theatrical endeavours…
Apparently he dubbed himself "Night" when he was a lad because he thought it was cool — and never grew out of it, unlike most of us, who don't use our Goth pseudonyms in public after college lit or theatrical endeavours…
The funny/sad thing is, Pratchett actually used that (toast, knotted garden hoses, things underfoot) as a diagnostic tool for the world being out of joint and general entropy increasing in apocalyptic ways — but it makes sense in Discworld, which is a surreal/silly fantasy on the surface and sneaks the profundity in…
He personally financed it, apparently. So I guess he gets to put his name on it?
Cronos, but I consider that more of a tragicomedy than a horror-comedy, really. It's got more in common with Lucian's Dialogues With The Dead than anything modern, except early Bradbury.
You may be on to something, there — and he writes bad fairy tales, inorganic hamfisted ones with Broken Aesops, so I don't know if he hates the fact that someone else made a good fairy tale move, but can't figure out how to do it himself no matter how hard he tries, or if he really does hate fantasy and want to mock…
Decent cinematographer too (The Babe movies, the Lord of the Rings trilogy) so that just shows that against an incompetent director even the drama gods themselves strive in vain.
Hey, your time is valuable too!
Emmerich & Devlin in Godzilla…
That is not dead which can eternal lie…
But it makes no sense to invade a planet that is mostly water, if water kills you no exceptions like the Wicked Witch of the West. And no, sunlight is not comparable! We die WITHOUT sunlight, did you take any biology classes at all? That's why white people evolved in the first place, to get enough vitamin D in…
Maybe they just can't shift them…
There is a small but vocal minority that insists it is an unappreciated classic which will eventually be vindicated, usually with overblown claims as to how poorly Blade Runner was initially received. (Hint: nobody in 1982 wondered if Blade Runner was an elaborate prank on his own fans.)
Ooh, nicely spotted! The way that what we ordinary human types can see as sympathy for the victim, can, through an MRA lens, just have been "Women don't appreciate Nice Guys" all along. Good catch.
"and no one ever walking away."
So…No Exit, eh?
No freaking kidding. If you look at his box office ROI, he's got to be one of the worst in Hollywood. So who keeps bankrolling him?
Homophobia is also rooted in sexism — the gay man lowers himself to become feminine, in the eyes of those who fetishize machismo..
" But back in ’97, when the internet was young and the MRA/Red Pill crowd less noisy, there was a certain cathartic horror involved in hearing the ostensibly undiluted thought process of a pure misogynist."
This is a planet where water falls from the sky on most of the parts of it that aren't already covered with water. There is no part of the movie that makes sense.
And no, it doesn't parallel War of the Worlds, either on the surface or symbolically. (Literally, they're coming from a monoculture, the first time they've…
Don't you mean "to show" an M. Night movie in 2015?!
Well, he shouldn't have claimed it was a dead serious Twilight Zone type movie until it tanked, then.