Good grief, and this is supposed to be a clever man, a witty playwright? Was he hired by twelve-year-olds?
Good grief, and this is supposed to be a clever man, a witty playwright? Was he hired by twelve-year-olds?
In Albuquerque? No oceans there…
In a swamp/forest, though? That's the main problem.
Angua really got the short end in that book — in every other one she really shines, as the sarcastic slightly-outsider who is often the Only Sane Watchman in a situation, on top of dealing with the urgent need for Improvised Clothing. But I think it was a bit of a warning that the bloom was going off the Carrot…
Oh, that's praising with faint damns!
They did film part of the REAL Clash in the Mediterranean and it shows — the exteriors of Medusa's temple are real ancient ruins, for example.
Wasn't that The Godfather?
This is clearly coming from the Happy Cocaine place, but will swiftly lead to the Sad Cocaine…
If they put Worthington into scenes with Wilson, they're going to need to invent special lighting rigs to keep him from vanishing into the sets and backdrops beside her. She needs leading men of megawatt charisma levels to avoid coming off as a one-woman show.
You forgot Armie Hammer!
Of Titan AE!
Oh no. Do you want another Bekmambetov atrocity? Shh, before someone in Hollywood hears you!
They did an excellent job of making the models, sets, & CGI Rome look realistic instead of styrofoam, and feeling like Rome in terms of the light and atmospherics, as well as looking lovely, which was clearly helped by taking Alma-Tadema paintings as pre-vis.
He was okay in the first Pirates movie, partly because he was supposed to be a bit of an annoying prig…
Troy had llamas. And great actors wasted on some of the most banal dialogue in decades. And straightwashed Achilles.
You're not alone. It was driving me crazy trying to figure out who he reminded me of, until someone at IGN made the same mistake. Something about the shape of his jaw combined with the angle of his eyebrows is very similar.
I sometimes accidentally do it trying to see who upvoted me, because Disqus is a worthy heir to JS-Kit, but I always undo it right away!
His & Perlman's Hellboy is the best live-action version of Ben Grimm to date.
Chronicle was a story about immature douchebro teens suddenly gifted unearned superpowers and failing to handle them responsibly, one becoming a full-on supervillain in the process and being defeated by another. There was a token girl for the hero to lust after and a fridged mom somewhere in all that, but they didn't…