Except they just spent WAY more than 100M to make this pile of dogshit.
Except they just spent WAY more than 100M to make this pile of dogshit.
I dunno, I've seen good Avengers stories where the Avengers are confounded by patriotic innocent Latverian bystanders but begin to understand it when they see all the free libraries, schools, hospitals etc that Doom has built. We never see ourselves as the Bad Guys, after all.
That promo that a fire department did with them, with the flying RC Torch zooming through the Fire Academy? Had more of the verve and FUN of the comics than this movie has.
No, they fought a wizard/mad-scientist with his armies of robot clones and an Atlantean prince with his armies of sea monsters.
I always imagine bonfires of $100 bills being used to toast marshmallows…
I think the grey at his temples is meant to show he's old & thus wise beyond his years — some people do start graying early, although it doesn't usually correlate with mental maturity! But it does look "distinguished"…
Unless they reshot the entire film most of the problems are on Trank's shoulders — the deaging of all the characters leading directly to Passive Protagonist Syndrome, Sue being dropped from the Away Team in favour of Victor, Victor being an emo nihilist kid instead of a foreign Renaissance prince, the Four being…
They used the most boring and uninspiring version of GL lore as well as the least familiar these days, and disregarded all the statements from fans of what they wanted from a GL movie in order to make Yet Another Bland White Dude With An Attitude Problem Gets Powers & Saves The World In A Generic Way story.
Well, since it's Hollywood, most of it probably went to the already-rich studio executives and their nephews, with the bare minimum going to the worker bees who actually built the sets, made the costumes, served the food, drove the vehicles, to feed their families.
As a company — ie a place that makes stuff for money — their sole purpose is telling comic character stories. They aren't a multinational that also makes potato chips and sweatshirts and exercise equipment. Are you a robot, or an alien, or something?
No, but some people set out to create schlock in the belief that it will be a hit because the fool public will eat up anything…
Radioactive spiders bite Superman all the time, he just doesn't notice them!
120 million isn't cheap, either.
These are actually the kind of superheroes where having a nightly news show recap their origin in a joking few minutes of banter and clips before covering their latest adventure would make sense — they were the superhero team who advertised for jobs after all!
Including "based on Orientalist stereotypes of Ottoman sultans taking white aristocratic women into their seraglios" for bonus accidentally-subverting the anti-imperialist surtext (first seen in Star Wars with the "good colonials vs evil natives" theme of Tattooine, standing in for the American frontier by way of…
Well, Pacific Rim did it first, and it made sense there because, you know, Pacific — if you're going to tell a traditional story about superpowers battling giant monsters coming out of the Pacific Ocean, it makes sense to have the ones that are located along it, or at least have important port cities there, involved…
Apparently the geography is even more laughable in Asia than it is in the US-set scenes, and more than usual in movies, too! (Even in TF movies: There are no waving wheatfields in TX, it isn't that kind of a state, but distances telescope in China by orders of magnitude, just as the Udvar-Hazy storage field isn't…
I watched one do the bot equivalent of "testing testing" on Hitfix — a different string of random letters, twice, before posting spams.
The problem is, if all you do is take crap roles and then sleepwalk your way through them, crap roles is all you will ever be offered.
Which would make it very topical, instead of outdated before it was released. Interracial gay marriage in the US, thanks to the end of DADT!