
Black people who watch football don’t care about black lives? So nuanced, so pithy, so topical! But also, reductive, simplistic, hysterical, and self-congratulatory.

Well don’t give up. The internet might move by lightening speed but folks are still in their various stages of comfort and awareness zones.

Players care, just not enough to go back to being poverty stricken. Which is their right. They also don’t want to let their family down or remove anything that they have earned which their got their family out of poverty.

Officer who is supposed to keep notes and logs of interactions with public has no personally provided records of interactions with two men who went missing in suspiciously similar circumstances, and has hard time keeping story straight. 3rd hand accounts of contact with both men exist.

At this point it’s just easier for him to buy a hotel and stay in that one if he wants respectable service.

If it was, at least you could go out and turn the hose on them.

You can sometimes see her midriff (and she’s still pretty covered). She doesn’t do sexual dances, her lyrics aren’t inviting sexual attention, there is no love interest in her videos. Do you remember how Britney/Christina were marketed? Or Ariana Grande’s weird lolita-type thing. Or Fifth Harmony.

Given the way the ‘alt-right’ in our country is seemingly fueled by the sexual frustrations of young men, it’s pretty frightening to think about what will arise in these countries when the problem is actually real rather than imagined. Whatever happens, it probably won’t be good for women...

First - shame one everyone involveds parents. Two of these people are actual children.

Hey, remember when Chris Brown almost killed Rihanna, and everyone just forgot about it, like it never happened? That’s weird to me.

I love this and it needs to be its own post, that is all

Now playing

I’m an environment engineer. That’s a euphemism for sewerage engineer. Tampons are murder on the pumps. They gum up the works, so we employ comminutors, like this muffin monster. Muffin is code for a tampon swollen with sewerage. They’ll eat anything tho. Boy I could watch this thing chew up stuff all day. And if you

I’d pay for a podcast that expanded on this inter-furry rivalry. Somehow the hygeine issue is worth discussing, too, like how often they clean their suits, or if they clean their suits.

Honestly when you name your company after the monster-dog guarding the gates of Hell, I know all I need to know about you.


Not necessarily. That’s actually generally okay to do, if that’s would be the only way to gain standing. However, again it’d be an issue of protected class v. unprotected class (i.e. a POC attempting to gain membership at a whites-only country club). Mr. First Name St. First Name still isn’t in a legally protected

Assuming your question is an honest one, let’s start with the basics. First, the attorney is a serial trash litigator (150 cases FILED is NOT 150 cases WON). Second, women are a legally protected class (i.e. discrimination in favor of women is often ALLOWED in order to rectify past wrongs). Third, this is a private

Those are the eyes of a psychopath that’s getting away with something.

Riot Grrrl rock was thoroughly and deliberately crushed. Too scary for the penises. Hell, Courtney Love is still getting crazy amounts of raging shit about “murdering” Kurt.