
That and their hilarious comparison of things like transport and food being anywhere near the level of something like a recreational sport one watches as a hobby.

Holy shiiiiiiiit, I had never heard of that. Insane that they only lost one life, but what a horrific way to go. I hope she became unconscious during the depressurization/ejection.



Uhhh... Cathy McMorris Rodgers from WA was on here earlier at $2,500 in accepted donations, but is no longer listed. Was that information inaccurate?

Goddammit have your star hahaha

This is... actually, the most convincing explanation I’ve heard yet for her bizarre thirsty schtick! A star for you.

The worst accident I ever saw was a case of “politeness,” and I am 100% sure it got a child killed. I was in the middle lane of a 3-lane road that’s a pretty major commuter highway, and the person in front of me stopped to let a station wagon in the left lane pull in front of them to turn into the parking lot on the