
Me!! My mom died from breast cancer at age 36 when I was 9 years old. Because of this I am at high risk if developing breast cancer. My primary ordered a mammogram for me to get a base line in my early 20s (I’m currently 28) and I got called back for a second mammogram, which showed suspicious calcifications. They

The Walking Dead-ugh I loved that show for so long, but knowing what was coming with the arrival of Neagan I just couldn’t do it anymore. It just veered too far into the realm of torture porn. I skipped out on the current season premiere with the intention of going back after reading spoilers but it was worse than I

I’m so sorry you are dealing with this. I have a strong family history of breast cancer, mom diagnosed at 33. She procrastinated after she found a lump and by the time she went in to get it checked out it was a very large mass. Both her father and mother had breast cancer as well. I had my first mammogram at 23, and