ms. chananderler bong

Me too. Now. then. so my brain fills in the blanks! like a really not fun diy storybook.


Yeh having said that now you’ve said that I can see scenarios where I’d be the same. hope you’re doing ok now.

:( sending useless but still, sending anyway, internet hugs xo

parents are silly dum dums WHO IN MY EXPERIENCE NEED TO SHARE MORE WITH THEIR ADULT CHILDREN. no use hearing about a fall and surgery and recovery and a hospital stay 6 months after the fact because they don’t want to worry you ohmygod now I’m more worried than I have ever been in my entire life about your mortality

I feel like there’s a miss j expression for all occasions but particularly this one

crikey. I hope you’re doing better now. xxx

ahh! Thank you! :)

Right! clicked on his profile and he has no posts? and some comments haven’t been starred yet he’s black (and I am forever and a day grey)? I just figured he was a pedantic prick and was leaving it there. thinking on it, I do think I might have seen a similar burner around in the last day or two. silly me. anyway,

(i can’t watch cos I’m in England and can’t put through hola cos it’s late and my husband is asleep but you get a smile from me cos your comments are usually gold - yes I am a lurker I’m never usually up this late)

mate :( I purposely didn’t congratulate my stylist on her pregnancy cos she hadn’t told me and although she LOOKED pregnant to me I thought if she isn’t 1. I am the world’s meanest horriblest person and 2. she could ruin my hair so I said nothing. next client came in and it turns out she is 5 months but it is ALWAYS

my step dad stuck a cucumber down his trousers (trigger warning inappropriate gif in the article) after coming home from grocery shopping and apparently just waited to see if my mom and my sister would say anything (IT WAS A HUGE CUCUMBER) I am glad I wasn’t there and it was less weird and creepy than it sounds I

my mum is the same. “oh I died on the operating table. oh my heart stopped for 43 seconds. oh there are nodes in my lungs. why didn’t I tell you before? didn’t want to worry you!!”

Most articles here have gifs or pics. The topic here is anxiety with a sidebar of circumcision as mentioned in the title. s gif of a person crying or of some zoloft doesn’t really feel appropriate given the title. chopping cucumbers brings a bit of light to a dark story.

dude I’m 24 and got called madam in a restaurant (although it might be different cos I’m in England?) yet people refuse to call me Mrs and I always get letters addressed to Ms (which makes me think of cats, in a good way)

we can appreciate humor and a good article. Its not like they could use an actual circumcision gif. womp womp :(

Oh and I tried to add this earlier but y know kinja. some hilarious dogs at my dog’s daycare

I had a colonoscopy this week. my sedative tissued but they couldn’t give me more because of my family history so it was performed with no sedation. The sedative kicked in in recovery. Needless to say I am sore and my tummy hurts from what they are investigating. I hope you had better weeks!!

This cat is cleverer than my dog yet he has one less eye. my dog would love to do this yet he licks himself and gets furballs instead cos he’s stupid