ms. chananderler bong

I mean.. I am a crazy dog lady all the way, but look how fluffy and soft and adorable that husky is!! LOOK!! How cuddly! He is a dog that you would cuddle and all of your troubles would disappear. The cat is just a bit of a bellend for padding him, ya know? he's not a patch of grass kitty, he's a real life doggy

see without the beard!! can't deal! although we all know I would, but 50 shades writing just bad and it'd just be me on my own leching over him in the cinema with 50+ women - I think I may search for video Calvin ads instead (I am a creep I know)

I can almost forgive the murderousness

if u ever get chance, watch the full segment - they show a clip of him in the show where he does his "old walk" and they all take the mickey. plus him + aaron paul = lovely. in fact, just watch all graham norton, ever. do a weekly column on it!! best idea ever!

the writing is amazing - it's a real testament to the writing really that they can make me feel icked out by him and that accent when he looks like that, ya know?

u get me, I'm so glad haha, everyone else is like ah fifty shades and I'm like IGNORE WHO CARES THE FALL CALVIN KLEIN MODEL

Now playing

The fact that you agree on his charisma makes me think you'll appreciate this, so I'll post it here in the hopes it'll get seen: Jamie Dornan's funny walk - The Graham Norton Sho…:

I don't know what it's like in the US, but in the UK we get pretty good Groupon deals - there was a 5 course lunch tasting menu at a Michelin starred restaurant for £79, which is excellent value for money, and about what we'd pay for dinner at an upper class restaurant with no stars so were happy to get the voucher so

if you haven't seen it yet, season two is amazing: MAYJOR cliffhanger at the end. major. amazing. and a slight taste of a lesion love affair


just conceived a baby right there in her womb, all by herself: so why does he have any say so in the abortion if it was all her doing?! hmm?! HMM?!

no see because gender dysphoria isn't real nor is reassignment necessary if you already have a perfectly functioning body, that is just GREEDY /s


o yes. any excuse to post this:

for me, this is how you do an underwear ad: I luvvv jamie in the fall:

what gorgeous faces!! not dummies at all - all the great danes I've known have been lap dogs, despite being 120lb+ AND I'VE LET them which makes them quite clever. can't resist

aaah he looks like he's been tumble dried! what a cutie!

I wrote my own novel when I was 6. It was a knockoff of The Babysitters Club and I accidentally used my own name in it as I'd based the main character on me and because I didn't want to rewrite it (I was 6, not willing to cross out as it was messy and my choices were biro and notepad or typewriter) I had to change the

It's Marmite, if you've ever heard of it. We love it in the UK. Some hate it. Super savoury and awesome with cheese, it's made from the yeast left behind after brewing. Factory is about 30 minutes from my house and I love the smell but hubby always winds the windows up