
If you don’t think they are extremists, then you might be unaware of the groups they belong to. The Southern Poverty Law Center is a good place to start in order to find information about these guys. Many in the law enforcement community consider these militia/patriot/constitutionalists to be a serious threat. In

I love that I could walk past any of the Kardashians and not even recognize them. Life is sweet sometimes.

Take a look at his score on politifact. It’s a sad state of affairs when people love this guy because of his “honesty”.

You are exactly right. And that is why the details of the story have changed over the years - first he tried to hit his mother and his brother pinned his arms to his side - then......he tried to hit her with a HAMMER. The “badder” he was.....the better the redemption. Yes, the evangelicals eat this like candy.