I don't know if you've read them, but my first three reviews have basically been all about that.
I don't know if you've read them, but my first three reviews have basically been all about that.
That's a classic episode of television, by the way.
He's too wounded and proud to let them know his pain!
I don't usually talk about grades, but I found myself battling between B and B-. I watched this episode three times and tried to decide, but the way the Grundy story "ended," after all the story time devoted to it at this point made my decision for me. This episode would have been so much better without it too, but…
I haven't really, but I feel like Lili's got one of the hardest characters to play (as the perfect, sweet, girl next door) and she nails it. I continue to be impressed by how well she keeps the character from hitting "annoying" or "unrelatable." She could very easily be the female Archie of the show, and thankfully…
I haven't said "really, just ignore the grades" in a long time, so for you, I'll give this an A+. In this comment.
I will forever believe it's absolutely ridiculous that Edge vs. Cena never main evented a WM. To me, Edge is 100% Cena's greatest rival (and vice versa).
"Please don't have concussed Mickie." My immediate reaction to that pescado.
Which of course results in this moment: http://i.imgur.com/efoMq3b.gif
Nah, I took it as a "to those three, they were the only people in the world" thing (even if they didn't intentionally mean to act that way).
Yes, but my point is how WWE isn't even trying to pretend it will really be Cena/Orton. Which is both terrible but somehow great?
If I recall correctly, that tag team EC was memorable for Kalisto hanging from the chamber for no reason and teams breaking other teams' pins.
Glad you got that.
…who were these people?
I wrote "sexy," because it's anything but. Also, trust me, I'm not glossing over it nor accepting it — it's something I'll be hitting on more in my next reviews (I've seen the first four episodes of the season). Writing about the teen drama tropes and influences of this show was my focus for this particular review,…
I should mention, an animated "Scooby-Doo meets Twin Peaks" already exists (with intentional Twin Peaks homages). Scooby-Doo: Mystery Incorporated, which I believe is still streaming on Netflix and can't recommend enough.
We all have.
I wouldn't be surprised if they eventually do, honestly.
I hear they're saving that for the season finale. ;)