
I laughed. (A maniacal laugh, of course.)

Hey, y'all. Remember when SmackDown was good and RAW was bad?

I'm just honoring the memory (and belief) of Gregory the motel owner!

1. Nah, it def is.

Not often, but it can happen. The biggest example of this is the Montreal Screwjob, which is what you brought up. A situation with wrestling's true greatest catfight, Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart.…

Nah, it seemed pretty good in that "don't tell anyone about Punk's promo" type of way. It definitely was safer (in terms of worker preparation) than the Welfare twist was.

The "sadly" in my review is specifically more about that brand of nationalism in the former (that Arthie experiences) than the harmless (at least for now) patriotism in the latter (with Liberty Belle challenging Zoya). It's the kind that has lead to the current WWE Championship situation (which I believe I've

She just wears a lot of make-up. Ask Birdie. ;)

Can't wait to hear someone call Ruth "a good hand" in season two.

Billy's mom was perfect, and hopefully next season sees her babysit baby Randy. That way things can really get interesting.

I mean, were the checks made out to G.L.O.W. or were they to the nonexistent W.A.D? The fact that she put it in her cleavage was the thing that made me think she wasn't quite on the up-and-up, instead of just ripping the check up in front of them.

Hot take: This is a pretty talented cast.


I don't think any of the women are really that concerned with Bash's encouragement (besides maybe Carmen, since they bonded), but it's great that he always feels the need to give it.

Rhonda made over $200 just walking on Sunset once, so I have no doubt she could get men to pay to watch her sleep.

It's basically her CM Punk pipebomb moment.

Loved that she didn't realize the make-up line was an insult at first.

You are absolutely correct, and now you're my favorite commenter for saving my sanity. You can rub it in all the other commenters' e-faces.

The computer I've been using lately has some really weird autocorrects, and that is one of them. I deleted that "t" twice before, and it finally took this time.

Nah, I haven't watched that in quite awhile.