"LaToya is right, as she usually is."
"LaToya is right, as she usually is."
Keep in mind, yes, Kyle gave RAW a B-.
Did we ever get confirmation on whether or not his name comes from Doug and Judy Funnie? Because I want that to be the case, as weird as that is.
Also, you know what? I'm realizing now I put my original (harsher) grade for episode one up instead of what I landed on later. It's a B- from me (because, really, the competition is really strong despite the obvious conclusion—plus, the drone!) and I'm going to edit now.
*reads up on Dudley Dudley*
It's just so… Not the name you'd expect from a Craig Robinson character. But it's just as great.
Boyle often deserves better.
"Genius" and "Titus" aren't something you can put in the same sentence though. Crap, until now.
I'll admit that. But only that.
She was already a heel, but at the same time, that was pretty defined by her being VERY delusional… and having a whistle. So don't consider it a heel turn as much as it is going from a goofy heel (who wouldn't really need to actually attack anyone to be booed) to a serious heel.
"It's The Rolling Stones!"
My work here is done.
(Psst, she is. But it worked out this time around.)
Hey, given the late night posting (and honestly, the amount of words) of this review, I let a lot get through the cracks after some initial read throughs. I just corrected some things though. (Also, I'm realizing my edit is taking a bit to actually refresh, so that might be part of the problem.)
I've seen too many people say they do—perhaps just to be contrarian—which makes me believe they're not actually listening to anything he says.
You get it.
I can see all that (the Kane stuff). And with Kane, it's not as though he's a guy who's going to make the kid feel "bad" when he's older and looks back at his work. It's just frustrating to see him so far off his game and still be positioned as though he is, especially for the talent who lies in his wake as a result.
It was not. It was Eric Edelstein. But understandable confusion.
It's frustrating because the synopses just call her Charlotte, then I want to get into semantics, and obviously no one (besides us, of course) cares.
Don't reject! But I actually plan to drop the quotes (hey, I'm the reviewer!) once it gets back from the break. It was just something I chose to do from the beginning, but since they've settled on just Charlotte, I'm going to move forward with that too. Or Marlotte.