
I love their relationship, and can't wait to see how it develops. They're definitely going for the Root/Finch, Shaw/Reese thing, with Root the careful mastermind and Shaw the impulsive hero assassin. The whole dynamic with the two of them and Rousseau in the first half of the episode was pure awesome.

I think the overall diffrence between their style of management & general way of doing things was evidenced by how they each treated their subordinates, Elias cares about something and someone and Dominic doesn't. In fact Dominic seems to have a nihlistic world view in which he cares about nothing but getting to the

Stuff like this just tears me up. I identify as an agnostic, and I can't in good conscience believe in visits to Earth by extraterrestrial life forms because there is no irrefutable proof. BUT I SO WANT IT TO BE TRUE!

OBVIOUSLY the government made those dolls AFTER they met the aliens. Make a toy from the image of an alien, thus discrediting anyone who ever posts any pictures of the real aliens. It's so obvious.

So pretty much we're not going to mention the people who just do it for fun...

The color red can totally influence (not predict) the kind of day you're going to have.

I don't believe in astrology. But then again I am an Aquarius, and we are naturally skeptical.

I have a Leo tattoo on my wrist (it's the symbol that vaguely resembles sperm) for a couple reasons. The meaning to me is just a gentle reminder to myself that I am Queen of the Jungle/a lioness meaning strong and powerful. It's like how some people have "breathe" or "out is through" on their wrists but in a pretty

I see a lot of comments don't seem to care the animal died.

Might have something to do with being yanked out of its natural habitat and shoved in a tank. Call me crazy.
Impressive it lasted for five years. I wonder if they tried live food.

Thankfully, real scientists are much more humble and respectful than you. I mean, you know you can advocate something without insulting everyone that disagrees with you right?

Okay, how about you or your family volunteer for this brain research? What there doing to those monkeys is so bad... putting a small implant in their brain under sedation and doing the actual experiment under sedation as well, so disgusting. I'm sure all the brain surgery patients out there feel disgusted about not

This sort of brutal research which abuses animals is disgusting and anyone who champions it should be ashamed of themselves.

Something that always seems to get overlooked in discussions of post-humanism is the issue of obsolescence. Something like a smartphone can be obsolete in the space of year, and over the course of a human lifetime, tech that hasn't even been conceived yet may end up an essential tool for functioning in society.

As a political professional I volunteer myself for the effort. This is actually a brilliant idea and worth legitimately pursuing.

I will sign up right now for this party. Let's do this.

I think something like this needs to get started, if only to formalize the encouragement of scientific achievement. There's too much anti-tech, anti-intellect sentiment for a supposedly advanced culture like ours.

Yes, I know — we need to party in space. :) But do we need a political party to advocate for us before we do that?

I'm down, or should I say up, for this.