
But we are so sex driven, dark and passionate!

Interesting what one assumes, I didn't see a tea party dude hanging with an astrologer.

If you're seeing red in the morning you can most probably predict what kinda day you might have:)

As always, it really depends on how you're using it. Astrology with all it's myths can be a fun tool in psychology like drawing mandalas, dancing your dreams or acting out your inner crap in whatever other way. It is packed with cool metaphors and symbols that inspire thoughts, phantasies, storytelling.... It might be

A Virgo!!!

And I just wanted to go ....

Yes, we do and if it is for the purpose of creating awareness only. As we here all know, society won't look the same in 20/30 years and the old system will, hopefully, crash. Most people though seem in oblivion and could use a prep team for the future. A manual like ET 101 :) There will be the enhanced and the not

Yes, we do and if it is for the purpose of creating awareness only. As we here all know, society won't look the same in 20/30 years and the old system will, hopefully, crash. Most people though seem in oblivion and could use a prep team for the future. A manual like ET 101 :) There will be the enhanced and the not

Let's just go for it. Where shall we meet? There's a seat open in LA's district 33, what's about it, Annalee?

With the amazing advances in virtual and augmented reality, animal experimentation could already be for a great part completely unnecessary. To advocate it makes you uninformed and medieval.

Agreed. Brutality is the medieval human's road, modern man uses technology.

Think isopod: I refuse to eat. Food is sustaining my life. I refuse to eat cause I don't want to live. In captivity. Alone.... Why did not one of these freaking human prison guards think of bringing him back where they robbed him from? His own habitat? 5 years of waiting for death. Humans' entitlement is sick.

Why do you think humans are entitled to grab other living beings out of their environments for the pleasure of "viewing" them? Do you condone the cruelty done to so many captive animals? It is scientifically proven that they have feelings. Who invented the "sentient" evaluation? Humans, to have an excuse for denying

What a backwards story in a time where smart people stay away from meat and medieval habits of killing animals to stuff your face. Now you wanna add goat and have another wave of mass production? Cause that's what would happen. It's not like in those "underdeveloped" countries where little farmers bring their rabbit

Long live Sci Fi and with it we travel in the meantime...

You said it. Data storage will be resolved, and if not, it will be found that we looked at it from a wrong angle in 2014... We could teleport consciousness into another us like the cylons in Battlestar, cloning is close. So this isn't ruining my party!

Good idea to research from whom you're buying.

A valuable point indeed. Also I wouldn't ask any regular "doctor's" opinion about my supplements, as most of them are pharma slaves.

Agreed. I want to live forever; if I have to pop 66 pills and only 44 work, who cares. The rest helps me to go beyond the creepy limit of death, at least to the time where I can swallow a bunch of Nanos instead. Hopefully. And there you are: don't underestimate the power of our mind: If we think they are mother's

...quirky, sexy, funny, rough, tough - Firefly.