
This was a bad date. She had a horrible date with a clueless guy who thought he was being sexy and hot. She was made to feel uncomfortable, and it wasn’t right.

Why are you posting this on an obituary article? Yikes dude.

Because she had a mental illness, you ignorant ass.

She was bipolar. I’m willing to cut her a bit of slack if she wasn’t getting proper treatment. I’m heartbroken.

Why exactly do we need to not forget that?She was neither a politician nor an activist who is leaving behind a legacy of harming many others through her backwards views. Do you go to funerals and walk around reminding people of the deceased’s faults?A woman whose music obviously touched the lives of millions of

Loretta Lynn voted for Trump. I’m still going to sing “You Ain’t Woman Enough to Take My Man” and “The Pill” out loud, on a crowded bus when they come on my MP3 player. 

Maybe it’s not the right time for this. She died at 46 would you like her to be punished more?

so they shouldn’t report on her sudden death because...???

The amount of times I pre-gamed a night out with a gin and tonic and “Zombie” cranked up on my CD player while getting ready are too numerous to count. Her voice was lovely. The Cranberries in the mix along with REM and GNR, those were the times. I’m going to play some right now while I wait for the plumber (because

She looked like this before she had cancer. She has always looked like this.

“in Western culture”

“I’m wearing this ring that Jack gave me and I’ll always wear it, because love is a really cool, powerful, eternal thing and it doesn’t have to be defined the way we in Western culture define it as beginnings and ends.”

“I’m wearing this ring that Jack gave me and I’ll always wear it, because love is a really cool, powerful, eternal thing and it doesn’t have to be defined the way we in Western culture define it as beginnings and ends.”

“I’m wearing this ring that Jack gave me and I’ll always wear it, because love is a really cool, powerful, eternal thing and it doesn’t have to be defined the way we in Western culture define it as beginnings and ends.”

Seriously? It’s not a hard question. His pin literally says “Time’s Up.”

Don’t wear symbols and slogans you don’t understand the meaning of. Problem solved.

I don’t think anybody was expecting a “quick one-liner”. All we’re expecting is a coherent answer.

I believe you are being hyperbolic about this situation while claiming others are being hyperbolic- which is a fun mind game you are playing.

Swing, miss.

No. Harbour is wearing the pin and didn’t take the time to educate himself on what he was supposedly standing up for. This is WAY different than your false dichotomy