

“I didn’t talk to Alec because I don’t like Alec”

Completely and totally the same. In the last year or so I have suddenly stopped giving a fuck, I now shop for what makes me feel comfortable, and I own multiple sack dresses. They are perfect. I personally kind of LIKE the “dystopian future uniform” look anyway.


I find it very freeing to wear them outside because
1. breezy comfort (the most important)
2. I’m not out here as decoration, y’all, fuck looking that version of ‘good’.

I f’ing love sack dresses. I wear them all the time even tho my husband hates them. Why would I be uncomfortable with clothes next to my skin when I can get some lovely airflow and be Comfy?

Nope, you are not an old. I am an old, in my early 50's, and sack dressing is a fucking godsend. Nothing fits me well anymore anyway (just wait until your meticulously-maintained body gets a mind of its own), so I may as well be comfortable and I’m DELIGHTED that these are currently fashionable. I’m going to continue

I for one welcome this trend and own several sack dresses. What I like the most is that I’m dressing for myself and my own comfort, and DGAF what people think. I don’t care how hobo-esque they look, sack dresses are airy, light, comfy and I can sweat in peace.

Please stop asking men to shave and become more hair free than me, a normal haired woman.

Well. Now I know for sure that the world is going to hell.

This is a garbage world and I’m ready for the next one.

Their coffee is famously bad as it is traditionally robusta from their former colonial possession Vietnam.

Diane sounds like me... except rich and successful.

I’m on the opposite end of this spectrum. I want lenses to cover my whole face. I saw a woman walking the other day with a full face visor. That is so chic and so practical, I need one. This is the wave of the future.

I <3 Kip! This is an example of how to wear one!

you leave kip out of this, he is a treasure and would do anything for LaFawnduh, as evidenced by this photo

My Katy Perry fatigue is at an all-time high.

Does Barron’s t-shirt indicate he has been offered a position as advisor?

aw! well i do agree that season 1 was the best. i’m at the point with it where my brain thinks kimmy and titus and lillian are my friends, so im willing to put up with whatever crap they come up with. i get that non-critical loyalty towards some shows but not others, not sure why...