
If you were a woman on a date with a clearly unstable man, you would honestly concern yourself with how that man makes his way home? Moreso than your own personal safety?

This is so obviously a control ploy to punish her for walking out on him. The $17 just happens to be the only leverage/excuse he has to hit up everyone she knows and publicly disparage her.

Fuck this guy.

“If you’re that distracted, don’t go to the movies”

You are a garbage person.

In a dark theater, that tiny little bright-ass screen is really noticeable, and it takes me out of the moment. If you need to text, stay home and watch movies (or go all the way to the top row where no one is sitting behind you and will see that screen while you’re texting).

Sorry, but it’s hard to focus on the big screen in front of you when there is a small, brighter, glowing screen much closer. Unless it’s an emergency, it can wait. And if it is an emergency, well then leave the theater.

Your username makes me a little sceptical about your Tess Ward comment. In fact I suspect you might even have a hidden agenda.

he wanted to marry her but she couldn’t commit and wore the ring around her neck and also she cheated on him with chris noth and he could never trust her again.

Bobby! You forgot the most important news of the day! HARRY CAN JUGGLE.

Tess Wards wants a break from all the rumors that she is dating Harry Styles.

“It was a real date,” a source tells PEOPLE exclusively.

Do people really smoke full joints on their own? How do you DEAL? I take two hits and I become a paranoid zombie who is certain she’s going to die in that moment.

“Thoughtful consideration” at the end of a relationship usually involves a few smashed dishes and a golf club through the driver’s side window.

Taylor & Joe look like bored trust-fund siblings whose only source of joy comes from hunting the poor on Purge day.

and, as per The Sun, still lives with his mom and dad.

He looks like he’s about ready for year one of Hogwart’s in both photos.

Taylor is sticking to the UK men, I see. Did her abnormal hobbit friend introduce them?

So that’s her boyfriend and not her twin brother? Huh. You do you, Taylor.