
It makes me sad that Sofia Coppola told her to lose weight. Like give me a fucking break she has always been slender.

You’re not.

This is such a boring question. Have your feelings about someone and let other people have theirs.

Chris Sacca is a fucking dickbag who makes Mr. Wonderful look like Mother Teresa. And I am furious about this Bethenny casting. She is not a likable person. I do not wish her well. Being that no one watched her talk show and it was summarily cancelled, wasn’t that enough evidence that people find her to be incredibly

Maybe Bethany Frankel will be lowered into an actual tank filled with sharks?

I’d watch that.

Sorry bethany we already have a shark named jabberjaw.

Cartoon fox Robin Hood for life

You are among friends. I would still do that fox.

Second-hottest Robin Hood after the cartoon fox

Better idea: maybe stop greenlighting Guy Ritchie movies for a little while, and by “a little while” I mean “for the span of his natural life.”

I don’t buy her in any of these roles. I think she’s a talented actress, but I usually sit through movies she’s in with an unresolved question mark over my head.

Oh for fuck’s sake Javier Bardem must be 20 years older than JLaw. Can we PLEASE start casting women born in the late sixties as the spouses of men born in the late sixties? Just, you know, as a wacky bold experiment?

As for the film itself, Lawrence and Javier Bardem play a couple besieged by uninvited guests.

Seriously. Take Silver Linings Playbook. If her husband died a bit ago, they were married for a few years, were engaged for say, a year, dated for a year or two before that, she must have been fucking 15 when she met him.

Coincidentally, that’s the age difference between Jennifer Lawrence and Darren Aronofsky.

I’m more upset about the idea of no more Melissa McCarthy skits.

Now playing

The graphic novel Fun Home is great, Alison Bechdel is a goddamned genius, and I will never not burst into tears when watching this clip of Fun Home and Sydney Lucas at the Tony Awards:

If I saw that goddamned bear looking through my door I’d be making brownies too.

He could so easily break that glass door. But that would be very rude!