
this babby is Not Cute. there. i said it.

Yes, but he wants to meet Santa Claus, so...

Charlie Hunnam is the hot dummy we desperately need in these trying times.

I am as vain as the next person and I know that aging will ultimately be a struggle for me (I grew up in LA). But to have my entire worth and identity be so tied to my youth and appearance, and to have to grow up, learn, change, age, see my value actually fade as my beauty does, and die on camera would be incredibly

Hot take.

I don’t know you girl because I don’t want to know you, you dumb, dumb woman.

I’m good with not knowing.

“When women speak it is mostly poetry.”

When some women speak, it is mostly bullshit. Christ, gurls, take all the money and your multiple apologies that those people gave you, give up the quest for the pound of flesh, and get thy sorry asses hence to the kombucha bar to drown thy grievances.

“For her, this is honest.” Because when she was playing at being black she and everyone else knew it was for shock value and kicks and not coming from an honest place.

They glued it back together with money

Miley is only 24? God. It feels like this has been going on forever.

Here’s a nuanced convo for you: maybe the mouthpiece for the sexual assaulting pig shouldn’t talk about sexism when the right-wing pretends /it doesn’t exist at all/

Is wondering aloud really a nuanced convo?

We could also wonder why Conway is totally cool with all the sexism she’s endorsed but only has a problem when it’s focused at her.

Conway has been the target of a fair amount of sexist shit since she took over as a Trump spokesperson—the most overt of which has involved the myriad times she’s been ridiculed over her appearance. So accepting that she does face sexism as part of her job, she’s also pretty bad at her job and I don’t doubt that the

Bullshit is bullshit regardless of the gender of the person saying the bullshit. I’ll roll my eyes no matter what gender the person is.

Yes he would have. It may have bordered on unprofessional but he didn’t roll his eyes because she is a woman. He did it because he is tired of this person spewing bullshit. Her gender has nothing to do with it.

I’ve been doing it for months. I don’t understand why Cooper just started.

He didn’t roll his eyes at you because you are a woman.