First season was great, but now Gwendoline Christie is in it. So it’s automatically 1000x better
First season was great, but now Gwendoline Christie is in it. So it’s automatically 1000x better
Scallops swimming always seem so completely fake. Like watching muppets.
the ocean is fucked up
And they look so damned happy when they do it. Somehow. Despite the lack of any sort of face at all.
Holy crap, he’s adorable! How did I go so long being so oblivious to the fact that this man is SO FREAKING CUTE???
That is some Looney Toons shit right there.
Great, now I’m not sleeping tonight.
Duh, we’ve all watched spongebob. 🙄
Yeah, my first thought was juvenile. But my second thought was a juvenile.
That’s weird as hell and if I saw it coming towards me I would NOPE out of the ocean forever.
I know there are people who would never want to live in a place surrounded by cornfields, but my god, ocean animals are fucking WEIRD. I’ll keep my deer and occasional wild turkeys, thanks.
And now if you’ll excuse me, I have some Styles/Macron fanfic to write.
we’ve all fallen for him, but where were we when he fell for us?