This has a similar feel, though not as button-y
This has a similar feel, though not as button-y
Required viewing:
Credit card debt is the worst—if I knew you irl I’d literally give you money so you wouldn’t have to pay the crazy interest they charge you.
The husband supports the wife completely financially.
I like you.
Owls are super hard to deal with and are so not meant to interact with humans. I see those owl cafes in Japan and wonder when I’m going to hear about some sort of owl revolution where they all attack a la the Birds.
I read this when it was published and thought it was terrible—but it could’ve been edited to stay on one page (it was the last response). Another gem in her answers for this day was her saying something like (not direct quote), “I wonder how much of his abusiveness comes from his PTSD.” Abusive assholes LOVE…
It’s really not. Ecologically speaking, the last thing the world needs is more kids. You can always interact with your friend’s and family’s kids and influence them positively. Honestly even if you had totally selfish reasons for not wanting kids that’s fine—all kids deserve a parent that wants them.
To be a *real* rapist, you have to print out business cards.
I love that book! And I disagree, the last thing we need is people who think (fictional) representations of women/minorities/other marginalized groups represents ALL of that group. Like I don’t think all white dudes are Hannibals.
Eye witnesses said the mom wasn’t neglectful. Parents can’t have 100% control of their kids.
She did the same thing to Beyonce, praising her then turning into a complete asshole.
I too have (maybe had) a crush on her, but this really disappoints me. I think she’s been unfairly criticized and has given Allen the benefit of the doubt, completely ignoring the fact she was unfairly treated most of the time because she’s a woman.
I like right by Skokie. It’s actually fairly diverse.
I’m not in favor of this because I don’t think we should demonize/fine Johns either, but the fines (not anything worse) are for the Johns. How the hell does that make it less safe for the women?
Men 🚮🗑
I think the advice is never tell. Btw, my friend almost had sex with a guy in a relationship but he backed out last minute, feeling like it would be dishonest. So unless it actually happened (and even then probably not) don’t say anything.
This was the case in Japan as well, where to finally clear up whether Eastern or Western medicine was correct on their interpretation they dissected a criminal. I hate to defend the Catholic church, but dissecting humans as being taboo is not that weird.
Easter should be better than Christmas. All of us are born. This is supposed to be the day Jesus literally rises from the dead.
I love these games and have spent a crazy amount of money on them.