Lady Yuck

I always imagine it as her petting a ton of cats even though she’s allergic for the doctor part. I am the least sexiest person alive.

I personally can’t use any deodorant except Speed Stick or unscented Dove or I get a rash like this guy. Why would I sue? Armpit rashes heal... Wtf.

I don’t know if I ever was like this, but I am definitely not now. Thanks Laurell K. Hamilton, for showing me no matter how good the first book was, I don’t need to finish the series.


You sound great but unfortunately I am poor and looking for a sugar daddy :(

No he’s just a time-traveler

Not even Burger King Croissan’wiches? They are truly “the best thing that God has invented so far” (foodwise, cats win overall).

I don’t really care either way (godspeed, waiter) but they mark up soda that high so they can sell the food cheaper, at least theoretically.

I see your point, but I also think a lot of men who support it’s legalization aren’t exactly enlightened feminists. Like I’m sure more men support pornography being legal than women, but they still wouldn’t date a pornstar. They just want to consume women. Meanwhile a woman could be opposed because she disagrees with

I like a lot of music (though it’s overly autotuned) and like what she said here. I hate that she licked donuts and then basically blamed fat people. I basically think she hasn’t fully matured, which is fine, she’s young.

I think the “Ben Carson was speaking in general terms as to what he would do if confronted with a gunman, and was not criticizing the victims. Not fair!” was actually a defense of Carson. But to be fair, I don’t speak egomaniacal idiot.

cool story bro

Good idea—and in the meantime I can use some advice on what percent of my income to pay on rent.

Yes—it makes sense for me to rent right now (especially since I won’t be living here for much longer). My point was that everyone saying “Go buy a house, it’s dumb to rent” are being unrealistic.

Or I’m a grad student. But yeah, those poor people—so irresponsible with their money.

I’m a grad student. Trying to finish my degree.

All the people replying to this are still missing the point that even 10% of $100,000 is $10,000. Who the fuck has $10,000 just laying around? I literally only have $5,000 to my name at the moment, and I need to spend that on food and shit.

$825 is still cheap for most major cities. In Chicago that would get you a shitty studio in a bad to subpar neighborhood.

That’s cool, any ideas on how I can make a $20k downpayment when I make $25k a year? Or how to get a mortgage with my almost nonexistent credit and a mark on my record? Or perhaps are you oversimplifying this?