Lady Yuck

I want to high five you so badly.

THIS NEEDS MORE STARS. I have literally made similar excuses to try to get away from a dude without him getting angry. Excuses mean no.

I too saw that. The “what’s in this drink?” line aside, the “mouse” lines are EXACTLY the kinds of things I personally have said to try to turn down a guy. A creeper tried to get me into his car once and I literally invoked my super religious grandma as a reason for why I couldn’t. i just can’t appreciate the song

I burn then tan, but most of the time I just have the incredible ability to only burn on my cheeks, even in Australia on the beach. It is a gift.

Also why she wore those sunglasses.

She prefers dogs to cats?!? As if I needed another reason to dislike her. She is dead to me.

Baby shampoo works well for me.

Wait, who dislikes kids? That kind of makes me wanr to read their books, tbh. I mean... Just to see... Uh... Don’t judge me

I think they’re on the best sellers club because you advertise for them pretty much daily.

I think they’re on the best sellers club because you advertise for them pretty much daily.

Wow... Forget being Republican, the guy sounds like an abusive misogynist.

The correct response to this problem is to say, “Fuck it, it’s Thanksgiving” and eat whatever.

First of all even if I’d been on the jury I would not have convicted Adnan on that evidence alone. Our justice system isn’t based on “hey this guy probably did it.” Second Jay didn’t insert himself into it, the cops were on to him. Third I generally think it’s better to believe than doubt others, but there’s a limit.

Ok when I first heard the series I was REALLY in the “Adnan didn’t do it camp” so I get it. But I mean think of the news—people kill for jealousy or money but rarely for “they know I cheated.” Jay could just say Hae was lying. I would buy that theory if like Hae had like a picture/physical evidence, maybe. Plus why

Rabia or Sara? Because I listened to Serial religiously when it came out, but I could’ve overlooked that. All I know is that I read “Why does he do that?” afterward and it made it seem much more likely.

No, just the it’s always the boyfriend Occam’s Razor. If he did not know Hae or barely knew Hae (like Jay) then I wouldn’t suspect him.

Entited abuser. And randomly killing someone who makes you angry is a lot less common than killing an ex you feel like you can control.

Ok but even with Jeb or Rubio as the nominee they’d still have to beat the Democratic nominee. So bring on the inferior candidates, just makes it easier for dems.

Really? I actually thought that claim was fine, but not because cops hate black people (necessarily) but because 911 takes FOREVER to show up.

At first I was like, “oh, pretty hot” but then I got to the “sexual assaults are a concern.”