“King of Anything” is a good FU Sara Bareilles fuck you song.
I do say “Men!” on occassion but not as much as I say “White people.” Dollars to donuts the idiot who wrote that clue was a white dude.
B-but, they’re my favorite cheap, shitty pizza. They beat out Pizza Hut and Dominos in my book, which is more or less saying they taste better than heated shit.
As someone who was a crazy anal dieter and never “cheated” on a diet—it’s honestly less sustainable. (The all or nothing approach, that is). Seriously just eat a slice a pie once a blue moon; the most you could possibly gain would be the weight of the pie slice, calm the fuck down.
lol burn
I am a 12 year old girl at heart and have been blasting “King of Anything” (Sara Bareilles) and “I really don’t care” (Demi Lovato) for the past two weeks.
With dreams like that I’d be asleep 24/7.
I would ask yourself why it bothers you—it sounds like you definitely value the relationship, but did a point or two ring true? If so, maybe talk to your partner about it?
Me too! Even at the non-sad parts. I blame med withdrawal.
That’s giving them too much credit. They’re just stingy assholes.
Was literally going to post and say most Midwesterners are better than the wastes of flesh that are native to the bay area, but you (kind of) stopped me. People of color and homeless people almost universally excluded.
I can’t find it now, but I once read a Yelp review for a massage school where the guy was ranked them low because when he called for his massage they wouldn’t tell him what the woman looked like. His excuse was he wouldn’t want someone morbidly obese, wanted someone attractive, but wasn’t looking for sex. This review…
I never understood why anyone would want to be a famous actor. Like, I’ve seen the magazines and the painful late night interviews. Seems like a drag. I’ll stick to my simple cat collecting lifestyle.
Gail Standish is my new best friend.
GREEN TEA HAS TONS OF FLAVOR. It’s actually kind of bitter. Try buying matcha sometime.
Men have an advantage when it comes to sex as most of society focuses on the male orgasm as the goal of sex.
Yeah, anyone else find it weird that all their findings seem to fit in perfectly with 1950s gender roles? Hmm...