The only way I’ve become ungrayed is by shamelessly complaining about it. Actually, the Muse did follow me before (hence my shock), I don’t know what happened there.
The only way I’ve become ungrayed is by shamelessly complaining about it. Actually, the Muse did follow me before (hence my shock), I don’t know what happened there.
It’s in the emoji keyboard, not sure if that works here but it does for texts. Testing™
I had a long wait at a Steak n Shake drive thru and I got a free meal, whatever I wanted the next time I came, just for NOT complaining and having basic levels of human decency.
I don’t know why you felt the need to throw “the lemon ones” in there but otherwise I agree.
I don’t think of it as “the love of a good woman” but rather growing up (mentally) and seeing women as people, not objects that exist for your pleasure.
And weed makes you sooo horny. Also sometimes I want a quickie then my vagina will lazily lubricate itself after I’m done.
I mean we also kill and eat cows and pigs, so...
From what I understand, a rape kit wouldn’t be needed—he groped her while she was passed out drunk, not going to have much forensic evidence there.
This isn’t just photoshop, this is bad photoshop.
To my knowledge, the ratio is similar elsewhere. Which is why the comment was so asinine.
I like you.
I was eating at a restaurant whose outside is covered in Halloween decorations (the owners also have a little grocery next store that sells pumpkins and such). The front wall is all windows. I heard a tap on the window as I was waiting for my order. I turned to see a skull with a cloth body hitting the window…
I still think him watching it would help because her videos are seriously the most reasonable things on the planet. The latest one (women as trophies I think) is great—it might be a good one to watch because the sexism is so crazy overt (as opposed to maybe damsel in distress).
You can be bitter/jealous and still be totally right about the age gap. Honestly though, don’t be jealous you dodged a bullet.
Once girls hit puberty, many men will be sexually attracted to them.
While we’re ruining things here:
Thanks for the info! I’m in love with my diva cup but sometimes I get INSANE amounts of blood (like the Shining elevator scene) and wear pads as a back up. I’d love to try this instead.