Lady Yuck

HOW DARE THIS WOMAN (possibly be attempting, it’s not certain) PROVIDE A BETTER LIFE FOR HER CHILD? She should’ve done it the proper way—by having ancestors that committed genocide against the people already living here.

HE IS CLEARLY STARVED. Just skin and bones... And some extra skin in the belly area.

What do you use? I use to tampons and pads, but now diva cups are all I need.

AKA wastes of flesh

That’s cool I hope you support the age of consent being raised to 25.

My dad once asked my brother if he wanted to come visit for my birthday. My brother said it wouldn’t be a good idea. To which my dad replied, “Why? It isn’t like it’s her 21st birthday.”

I watched the Duff just for her (ok also because I was a Duff in high school), and it was ADORABLE. Mae was amazing.

It’s all genes, so I believe it. That being said, exercising a lot has a ton of benefits health wise and isn’t just for looking good. SO WHATEVER KATE, WHATEVER.

Hey man, why you gotta call out America? Shit parents are everywhere.

Pretty sure you should be feeding him and/or otherwise serving him.

You’re right, Chicago-area.

I hate him and think he was abusive to Selena, but the man has a perfectly fine dick.

I told my dad Ted Cruz was Cuban (my dad is Cuban) and he said he wasn’t. I protested that Ted Cruz was just as Cuban as me, to which he replied, “You’re not Cuban.”


This comment is offensive to cats

Oh honey don’t ever go on Twitter. I saw a post saying that Ariana was so much more supportive to Justin Bieber than Selena Gomez ever was. I just wanted to puke on everything, because the whole Bieber Selena thing sounds like he was textbook emotionally abusive and people acted like he was the victim. COME ON,

Well actually I heard this morning that he’s brain dead and any waking up was just an involuntary movement (on the radio this morning). I honestly hope that this is the true story (that he’s recovering) but I doubt it.

You’re really assigning a lot of motive to a creature who hasn’t even nailed the whole object permanence thing.

Glad you made this point, as a female who only makes car depreciation jokes I was very hurt.

Going to assume the former.