Lady Yuck

Maybe relative to Mercury.

Since you’re sharing helpful donation advice I also wanted to say donate spices to food pantries/food kitchens—no one ever does that. Also for every foundation ever—donate money.


Agreed—a better option in my opinion (if you don’t have an aux cable, which I don’t) is a casette adapter. You can find them for $5 or less, or around $10 if you want a name brand.

Agreed—a better option in my opinion (if you don’t have an aux cable, which I don’t) is a casette adapter. You can

That would be ideal, but I mean if you’re not persuaded to take your kid to the hospital because not doing so will kill your child, I don’t think the threat of prison will get you.

Well clearly these people didn’t even have that level of intelligence.

I saw the headline and was like, “Oh yeah fuck those guys!” Then I read the story. If it were an older child I would agree, but babies are so fragile and so many things can go wrong...

Alternative to C—God exists but actually doesn’t care for humans. I mean they did fuck up Her planet and overpopulate it.

I straight up drink it for the drug effects. I refuse to believe that anyone who drinks it black (or who drinks straight liquor) actually enjoys the taste.



Me too!!!! I really liked the porn teacher, honestly. The cold open was one of my least favorite parts, with the exception of Bobby Moynihan.

It was so stupid too because that’s exactly how rich people are—stingy af. It’s all of us poors (and some new money types) trying desperately to show our worth to the world by spending what little we have.

This is me but instead of just ruining Thor I ruin every movie/TV show that exists with my basic knowledge of most professions. All cop, lawyer and medical shows/movies are terrible.

It’s just slightly upturned, and looks great. I never thought of it on my own but when she mentioned it on game of thrones I thought, “ok I actually totally buy that.”

I said it in another comment but now I’m serious: marry me.

This is my same view! We should marry.

Ok but what about like, weed? Genuinely curious if you’ve ever tried it/its effect on you.

People always call cats evil and act like they have the mental capacity for malicious activity. They are cats. They do shit cuz they feel like it, end of story.

Ok but Bacchus is the exception, cuz he can/will make mothers rip their sons apart alive for dissing him. Also his love story with Ariadne was cute.