
There’s no such thing as “procedural crime”.

Anecdotally, the few people I know who regularly frequent sex parties are deeply unhappy people.

100% of deported people die. It’s a real tragedy.

I’d say part of the problem is that the LGBs don’t actually have much in common with the Ts. We just got lumped together by straight cis people.

Lincoln was not a third party candidate; the Whigs were dead by 1860 and had been almost totally replaced by the Republicans. The third party in 1860 was the Know Nothings.

You first.

Is it actually underfunded or is just another inefficiently run government program? For example, when I worked for the 2010 Census we were expressly instructed to lie on our time sheets.

I’m pretty right-leaning and I’m open to the idea of universal healthcare. I just don’t see either side being willing to have an honest conversation about it. Republicans will just say “socialism” and “death panels”. Democrats will claim that the rich will pay for it and that there won’t be any rationing.

But what if a normal sees you?!?!

I hope you’re at least considering moving permanently.

Despite its reputation, the IRS is probably the nicest government agency. They know everyone hates them, so they provide amazing customer service.

I’d say Obama is definitely at fault for taking executive action that he knew to be unconstitutional (and described it as such many, many times).

His parents should be tossed in jail for child abuse and then deported.

I agree, let’s get rid of welfare.

“Ramos described the provision as a form of voter intimidation”

Here’s an alternative: pass legislation instead of depending on an illegal executive order that would have been killed by the courts to fix our immigration policy.

Take a Xanax or twelve.

But the narrative!

They go to the National Archives.

You’re aware the President doesn’t get to keep gifts of state, right? They go to the National Archives.