“particularly in a legal landscape that’s increasingly open to protecting men from false accusations (which are not a particularly common occurrence). “
“particularly in a legal landscape that’s increasingly open to protecting men from false accusations (which are not a particularly common occurrence). “
Strip away or not pay for it?
Actually, no, it doesn’t show that exactly. This is where it’s important for journalists to have a better understanding of statistics. What it shows is that the data - with incredibly important caveats the study notes - does not prove low income taxes lead to higher growth. Basically it can’t reject the null…
“Sexual assault” has a meaning. Strictly speaking, it has at least 51 definitions in the US, depending on what state you’re in.
Read the comments here, and in other articles like the one linked.
I’m liberal, and white, and while I am a very privileged person, I am concerned about opportunities for my young son at least in terms of applying to college. Here’s the thing: an elite college has way more qualified applicants than they have spaces for admission. So, the elite college will probably say: here are two…
Thats a nice straw man you have there... got your lighter ready?
Your view is just as naive as any redneck that assumes all crime in his area is perpetrated by the blacks in the community on the other side of the tracks. Its scapegoating and nothing more.
Our society is not all that different from the monarchies of…
Is it me, or did Diggle try and fail to shoot Mad Dog on that bridge? That was a really confusing scene.
I’m surprised to see the mortgage interest deduction on the list of solutions. My understanding was it mostly benefits rich white men. https://www.forbes.com/sites/erincarlyle/2016/04/12/new-report-says-mortgage-interest-tax-deduction-fueling-inequality-for-women-minorities/#4894697e422d
“Sweet, sweet gubmint cash” has given colleges and universities carte blanche to charge whatever they want and burdened recent grads with heavy loans. At the same time, you can’t get a high-paying job without a college degree. The viciousness of the student debt cycle is always understated and it’s the government that…
Wouldn’t it be more of a “Mansplaining” thing if this Stanley dude was saying how a woman’s vagina is like the temple at the start of Raiders and the woman was like “Noooooo, it’s more like a fun house being used for a smugglers hideout in an episode of Scooby Doo” and Stanley was like, “Hey, I have a degree in…
This website is full of liberals who want to do away with the First Amendment, they just have a different view of our fascist utopia.
To what extent were Europeans aware of North/South America prior to Columbus’s arrival?
The whole “didn’t discover it, it was already there” is fucking lame.
I have a better question for you.
I’m sorry, is “cousins” the racist term, or...
“...their goal was to make us more like them...”