“cute little stick and handkerchief contraption”
“cute little stick and handkerchief contraption”
Four people were shot at J’Ouvert last year (two died). This reaction doesn’t seem heavy handed to me. Get your kids out of gangs, then the police can lighten up.
This is not about kids who were born here. They came here as kids.
Hispanic is an ethnicity, not a race. There are white, black, and Asian Hispanics.
Thank unions.
Honest question: is it only cultural appropriation if white people do it? For example, I’ve seen a lot of cross-cultural exchange/theft between blacks and Asians. Is that OK?
How did she pass the character and fitness requirement of the bar?
Hispanics are not all the same. In fact many Hispanic groups really dislike each other (mostly it’s Mexicans vs non-Mexicans).
That’s also how the Great Bee War ended.
But aren’t some immigrants more worthy than others? Do you not believe we should have immigration laws at all?
There should be no disabled children. Abortion must be free and legal.
Sounds like Hillary’s recent book “It’s Everyone Else’s Fault”.
Democrats might win in 2020, but a big part of their problem is the belief that voting only matters in presidential election years.
Yes, let’s punish Asian Americans for having a culture that actually values education.
I would be much more on board with tearing down statues if I had any faith it would be restricted just to Confederates and other traitors. The fact that Baltimore took down their Taney statue makes it clear that no statue is safe from the American Jacobins and that Washington and Jefferson are probably next.
The Nazis didn’t erect any Hitler statues, so there weren’t any to tear down. There’s still plenty of Nazi-era public art in Germany though.
No one worships monuments.
The Secret Service thing isn’t Trump’s fault (and it’s actually Obama who extended protection to the President’s lifetime). We just overprotect the President to a ridiculous degree.
“Free speech” and “1st Amendment” are not synonymous.
Then you’d have the Nation of Islam marching to tear it down.