Federal judges are appointed, state judges are either appointed or elected depending on the state.
Federal judges are appointed, state judges are either appointed or elected depending on the state.
Jurors aren’t supposed to know about the law. They’re supposed to make factual decisions, not legal ones.
It’s a state law...
Yeah, fuck ICE for enforcing the law. They should just ignore those laws and follow their hearts.
Lucky! I starved to death.
Georgia is actually in the top 10 for state GDPs, and South Carolina and Louisiana are right in the middle.
Obamacare was dying even without this bill though. Insurance companies keep dropping out, so nearly half of the counties in the country will have only one (or zero!) providers on the exchange next year. Premiums keep going up and the insurance you get is absolute garbage.
Exactly. DAPA and DACA were both completely unlawful orders and it’s sad that liberals hold them up as something to be celebrated. If you want to stop these people from being deported, pass a law.
Fair enough, but did Holly Leicht have an urban planning education or background? I know she ran New Yorkers for Parks, but that’s not really the same as being an urban planner.
That’s sad and all, but I don’t think we should assume someone is guilty without a trial.
I have no sympathy for people who come to this country illegally and then are scared they might be deported. Like no shit, Sherlock.
I’d be fine with taking guns from people convicted of domestic abuse. I would be appalled if we took guns from people merely accused of it.
I’m confused by people who call for assault weapon bans, even though they’re used in less than 2% of murders. Even shotguns are used more frequently.
If you want to ban guns, repeal the Second Amendment.
Unless you’re calling for a straight up gun ban, it seems a little premature to be asking for more gun control when we have no idea how the shooter obtained his weapon yet.
Basically the whole DC government structure is arguably unconstitutional, so if the President really wanted to push, it’s not clear what would happen. He’s not going to push it though.
I really hope you’re not a lawyer, because this is dead wrong. That’s like saying a restaurant could ban blacks from dinner because there are two other meals and they can always eat somewhere else.
Yes, breaking anti-discrimination laws is a great way to protest discrimination...
Private clubs are generally not covered by public accommodation laws, unlike theaters.
Austin has a public accommodation law that forbids discrimination based on gender, so he’d be well within his right to be pissed.