
So “separate but equal” is OK now?

I have no sympathy for this girl or her family. If you don’t want to deal with stupid Christian rules, don’t go to a stupid Christian school.

Your trust in the Democrats seems strange considering that the last time they were in control we got the hot garbage called the ACA.

He wasn’t sentenced to five years for stealing $120 though. He was sentenced for stealing $120 and breaking into someone’s apartment to do it.

It’s also ironic because ISIS loves killing Muslims they consider not true Muslims.

She barely won her Senate seat in a state where Democrats outnumber Republicans 3 to 1, in a presidential election year.

Is he really pushing the agenda though? Has anything been accomplished besides Gorsuch?

I’m curious what his contract with the company said because that’s likely the crux of this issue.

It would almost certainly be fair use, at least going by the information in this article.

I wish we had an American slavery version of Budapest’s Memento Park where we could put all those statues.

“Literal treason”? We may not love Russia, but they’re not our enemy. And Trump has not, to my knowledge, taken up arms against the US.

The Saudi “parliament” has no actual power though, it’s just an advisory body. It’s members also aren’t elected.

Since the Constitution explicitly lays out the makeup of the Electoral College, that argument doesn’t really work. The Constitution can’t be unconstitutional.

Couldn’t that trend also be because the economy was improving after the financial crisis? In 2006, for example, there were fewer than 600,000 personal bankruptcies.

Obamacare was a terrible law and it was dying on its own even without Republican help. Prices are through the roof and insurance providers are leaving the exchanges in droves.

Berkeley and “open-minded” should never be in the same sentence.

Except the replacement date and time was one where very few people would attend. I’m sure that was a total coincidence and a liberal speaker would get the same treatment...

They needed a safe space to protect them from physical violence by “progressives”. “Progressives” want safe spaces to protect them from having their feelings hurt. Pretty different.

They’re moving her speech to a date, time, and place where fewer people will be able to hear it purely because three disagree with what she says. This is a classic First Amendment violation.

Her speaking gig was cancelled by a public university because of her viewpoints. Yes they tried to hide behind the heckler’s veto, but courts generally don’t look kindly on that. And if Berkeley is really so worried about public safety, may I suggest expelling or arresting their rioting students?