This rental probably wouldn’t be covered under public accommodation laws, so she can be as racist as she wants.
This rental probably wouldn’t be covered under public accommodation laws, so she can be as racist as she wants.
People don’t actually choose their own pronouns outside of I or me.
That was Black Lightning, who definitely started off pretty blaxploitation-y.
“Free speech” and “First Amendment Right to Free Speech” are not synonymous.
Not to mention that the Italian economy is already a basket case.
He’s right and these charges probably won’t stick. There’s no reasonable expectation of privacy in a public restaurant and not every private conversation is “confidential”.
Art will still exist with or without federal funding.
A lot of the ridiculousness stems from their broadcast media being largely state run.
Native Hawaiians are actually super racist.
“Certainly, it wasn’t easy for those of African heritage who had not come here voluntarily and yet in their own way were immigrants themselves.” - Barack “Uncle Tom” Obama
The most worrying thing is that we still have a FISA court.
I’d say it’s a bad sign that the Democrats turned to a retired politician to deliver their response. Don’t they have anyone currently in office who can talk to those people?
That’s a distinction without a difference. They’re treated exactly the same.
Then you have never watched a State of the Union before because it is literally always like this, no matter who the president is.
The vast, vast, vast majority of civil cases are settled and never see trial. I’ve seen estimates of 80-95%. I really wouldn’t use the fact that there was a settlement as some sort of proof of wrongdoing.
You wanted a 9/11 truther and hate group member?
Let’s be honest, most Hillary supporters couldn’t identify the Russian flag either. Americans are dumb and generally uninterested in the rest of the world.
There would literally be a civil war if that happened. Exciting!
If he wants his money back, he can sue the thief. Nintendo doesn’t owe him anything.
That’s synergy!