
Are you in the witness protection program or something?

How about identity theft? Many undocumented use stolen social security numbers.

It’s weird that the same people who got pissy when people would talk about Barack Hussein Obama now think making fun of names is fine. It’s not like people choose their own names usually.

He was just trying to assure him that it’d all be over soon. So sweet.

The issue there wasn’t that he bowed. It was that he bowed soooooo low. When bowing to an equal you’re supposed to bow the same amount.

That’s a great idea if you want Trump to win. She’s really not as popular as the echo chamber here would have you believe.

Besides the fact that he belonged to a hate group and is a 9/11 truther? I guess who better to fight the racist conspiracy theorists than a racist conspiracy theorist.

That would require Dems to actually vote in midterm elections. Never going to happen.

He probably thinks Ben Carson is the peanut butter guy.

I hope you get arrested. What sort of monster puts their daughter in the washing machine? And then throws her away after she inevitably gets injured?

GameStop thanks you for the interest free loan.

But the nominees the Dems were trying to block here were completely qualified.

Except keeping the filibuster. Which is why pissing off Hatch was a questionable move, since he’s one of the few Republicans who is completely against the nuclear option.

My grandmother is pretty racist. I don’t think she’ll shoot up a mosque.

Every Press Secretary is a propagandist. It’s the nature of the job (and the reason the Press shouldn’t just repeat what they’re told).

Can’t imagine why he wouldn’t have planned resorts in Iran or Syria...

It also doesn’t include the country with the largest Muslim population, Indonesia, so it’s not much of a Muslim ban.

That could be a correlation/causation thing though. Trump is more likely to have property in stable-ish countries that are friendlier to America, like Egypt or Saudi Arabia, than he would to have them in unfriendly or unstable countries like Iran and Syria.

Freedom of space speech!

It’s a quality issue, not a quantity one.