It’s a pretty common term for wherever the President vacations in winter. Obama had a “Winter White House” in Hawaii.
It’s a pretty common term for wherever the President vacations in winter. Obama had a “Winter White House” in Hawaii.
And you presumably don’t believe a fetus has a right to life because it hasn’t achieved “personhood” yet. Which is just a non-religious way of saying “ensoulment”. They’re equally ridiculous metaphysical concepts.
I’m not sure I’d hold the French Revolution up as a model. It was a total disaster.
To be fair, it’s also a cold, rainy day. I was going to go just out of curiosity, but I didn’t want to end up like Harrison.
Kansas is one of the least federally dependent states, last time I checked.
I’m an adult who doesn’t fall apart at the drop of a hat, so no.
What exactly are the qualifications in your mind? Executive experience? Perry has a lot of that. A science background? I believe only four Secretaries of Energy have had that.
Sort of true, but I wouldn’t hold SCOTUS as being as infallible arbiter of these things. You’ll remember they also once decided that blacks could not be citizens.
I’d argue that there’s a difference between not saving someone, as in that blood transfusion example, and killing someone, as in abortion.
I don’t see being prolife and being a feminist as being at odds. Contrary to what Jezebelians seem to believe, most prolifers don’t hate women. They just believe that an unborn person has a right to life and the right to life beats out pretty much any other right.
I don’t know anyone who has ever paid payroll taxes for a babysitter. This seems like a non-scandal.
Eh, I think I’d rather have a President that is hostile to the press over one that is the press’s best friend. At least it might encourage them to actually ask hard questions and do real investigating instead of the usual press release journalism.
They would not be criminally liable, but the driver could still be civilly liable in most states.
No, it’s actual life that might die. Just like any of us.
Scientifically there is zero question that human life begins at conception. You can argue about when metaphysical stuff like “personhood” or “ensoulment” begins, but the beginnings of human life are pretty cut and dry.
There was a story on Politico a couple days ago about the Ukrainian government interfering to try to get Clinton elected. Does that bother you?
Warren beat Brown for her MA Senate seat 54-46, in a state where Dems outnumber Reps 3 to 1. Obama beat Romney that year in MA 61-38. That suggests to me that she’s not a great candidate.