Mother’s Day is hard for me, and I don’t get to talk about it because frankly, nobody wants to hear it and I don’t want to be a downer.
Mother’s Day is hard for me, and I don’t get to talk about it because frankly, nobody wants to hear it and I don’t want to be a downer.
For what it’s worth, the mirror is totally an open secret. Everyone I know that’s been there knows about the mirror- and you can tell it’s there because it looks different from the one above the sink. The supply closet door is always open, too, so you can always check if someone’s there. But it’s also a pretty small…
The rib tips are where it's at! And I have peed in that bathroom many a time. Anyone that knows the area and the people that frequent that bar knows that nobody would actually try to sneak into that closet. Besides, it's too damn creepy in there with the way the light is rigged.
Ive met the guy, and peed in that bathroom many a time. He is absolutely not at all the type of person to know what Gawker is. He’s just a little old tattooed guy that plays up the bar’s reputation for being haunted like a pro. and he's not a perv, he's just a little odd... But it takes an odd person to buy a haunted…
It’s a tiny ass closet, everyone that’s been there knows about it, and the light in the bathroom doesn’t even work unless you have the door shut. All this freaking out is kinda weird because it’s not like it’s secret. The owner invites you to check the closet before you pee, and in all my years, I’ve never heard of…
If I was single, my wage would be decent. But it's not enough to support a family of 3 (it's under $40K). Think about one of the highest paid jobs you can have in America (it's not easy to get into, but the money is insane)... my company supports those people. You'd think a position like mine would pay like $60K ish…
This. I tried and I failed once to get SNAP - I made $37 too much to qualify, apparently. Recently, I found out that I qualify for WIC right now, but I'm not even going to bother.
LOL I mean like just eating whole foods - vegetables, fruits, meats - and preparing things from scratch where its' feasible! I don't go in for fad diets, but you can't argue that eating "real" food is a good choice!
Internet hugs and all the yeses. I plan on teaching my kids the "big lessons" myself, since I know damn well they're going to learn shit in public school.
I actually wasn't anorexic, I just had friends that were... and honestly, I was jealous of them, sometimes. I was naturally very skinny growing up, but seeing their devotion to being "beautiful" (obviously not a healthy definition) made me feel like I was doing something wrong. They were obsessed with more than just…
Thank you for bringing that up! That would make a lot of sense, if these findings are actually more related to "circumstances = eating disorder" than "eating disordered people will end up in these kinds of circumstances".
I was not eager to use my Kindle when I received it as a gift. I was partial to the experience of reading a book - smelling the paper and feeling it's weight. But it's awfully nice to be able to carry so many books, when I've actually ruined handbags by stuffing books into them so regularly :(
I can definitely agree with you there!
That's a good point. I don't really know enough about the ins and outs of ED because I pretty much have a high school health class's education on the subject, and what I've gleaned from friends that were open to sharing.
Right? I mean, I know that it's not fair to characterize an entire group based on a stereotype, and ED is such a sensitive subject because it affects so many people and it's so nuanced. So I definitely didn't want to come here and cry "BS" because "anecdata!" - I just felt like it seems counterintuitive for people…
I really hope you're doing better :( I can't imagine what you're struggling through. I was definitely seeing more of the "stereotypical anorexic" (I mean, as far as what I've been exposed to, that's the stereotype I thought was common), and it really sucked to see people I cared about go through what they faced.
Honestly, I was kind of surprised to read this based on my personal experiences. I only know a couple of ladies that for sure had eating disorders - anorexia, mostly - so obviously I can't speak to a larger population... but the girls I know that had eating disorders (who are all recovered now, as far as I know) were…
I was on the pill for like... 6 years? Something like that. No issues, no babies, all fun. Then I went off of it (pre-free BC days), and I felt great. Then I had a baby. And two years after baby, I asked my doctor for those magic pills.
And let's not forget that there's no drippage or post-coital smell - though the latexy/lubey thing is kinda weird.
I do understand the people who are reacting strongly against the spanking. Seriously - domestic violence is a serious and terrible thing, and it shouldn't be treated lightly.