
I do understand the people who are reacting strongly against the spanking. Seriously - domestic violence is a serious and terrible thing, and it shouldn't be treated lightly.

That's just so rude. And I feel like it's harder for boys, too, since sometimes girls can get away with neutral-ish items like khaki pants or that red flannel shirt I was talking about earlier (which I love). Boys' items tend to be neutral enough (plain) that a girl can wear them... especially if it's styled in a cute

When I was in college, I was part of a group that sponsored an egg hunt for local kids. It was a really small affair, so everyone was well behaved and parents didn't get involved with the egg finding business.

My full first name always gets me jokes that I freakin' hate, so I go by a nickname unless I'm in a professional setting.

If this shit drives the price of stock up, I'm going to be pissed.

Is it so hard to wake up a little early and hide some plastic eggs in your yard? Or around your apartment?

I don't get my kids anything for Easter.

I couldn’t do it. I’d put my daughter down to sleep, and if she couldn’t... She came in with us. She’s 2 and still sleeps with us and we are HAPPY with our arrangement. Seriously.

I shop boys' and girls' sections indiscriminately for mine, which sometimes gets me some flak -

Does this mean I can also make love in public, under the full moon?!

I stupidly spilled wine on my bridesmaid's dress once. It was a white, thank God, so I was able to rinse and blow dry out the stain without issue. But I still felt like a moron and everyone insisted on watching me like a hawk whenever I went to have a drink - which was constantly :P

I chopped my very long hair off (it's below the ears, but above the shoulders) because I just felt like I needed to make my life a little easier on myself since I've already got a toddler, full time job, and other stresses in my life.


Yup. I will not apologize for posting lots of pictures because my girls are ridiculously adorable.


and there is nothing wrong with that! LOL sometimes I get more compliments with unwashed bedhead than I do with clean, painstakingly blown out styles lol.

I gifted my husband with a nice bag of cute onesies to break the news.


I use the brushes that come with the product because I don't own a brush set!