
I want to give you all the stars for the Deadpool.

Can't tell if you're being humorous, or calling me stupid.

As a millennial, can I take this moment to #notallmillennials

Oh my God, I went to Skype my friend a link to this and left a snarky comment for her... and accidentally posted the comment in response to you?

I've been in love with him since the first X-Men movie. So I am really, really glad to read that he's not an asshole.

I think it should be about celebrating love and being happy - and if that means you get a 4 carat diamond and an $80K wedding... by all means, enjoy it and don't let anyone piss on your parade.

Honestly, I feel like most women don't have a good grasp on what making a person really entails - and I have not met a single man that knows what lochia really is. They just know that they can't fuck their wives/girlfriends/etc. post-birth for a few weeks. And the observant ones probably notice the bathroom garbage

You're not alone. We can stick together on this matter, at least haha. Everyone is so quick to complain about "they're, their, there," but then people use the phrase "balling my eyes out" in the wrooooong fuckin' context and I die a little inside (after having a laugh).

OK, so I'm into some rough shit. I know a thing or two about kink.

Thank you! Seriously! I see "phase" abused so often that it's starting to make me angry. I have actually started unfollowing facebook friends that abuse homonyms.

I hope whoever it is gets some help. If this is all fake, they clearly have issues. If it's not fake, they clearly have issues.

How to talk about your ex with your current? Let's start with honesty and end with honesty. Be yourself. Leave it at that.

It's really not that bad, to be honest... mostly because it lasts for long enough that you kinda get used to it.

OMG, be my virtual red tent buddy?

The worst days for me are days 2 and 3. So when my husband goes in to spank my ass or grab my crotch in that endearing way that we have, he knows to lay off if I growl, "it's day 2!"

Aww, I've been doing it wrong. I just call it "blood clots," even though that's not entirely accurate.

Every time I menstruate, I get the urge to re-read that book! LOL

Such a good point. Honestly, my husband's reaction to menstruation was one of the (many) reasons I knew I had a keeper. He's so chill about it, and it's completely refreshing.

This! I don't want to see your child's first poop in a kiddy toilet. Sorry, but it's gross. BUT, I will support your right to post it because, well, it's not really hurting anyone.

I'm menstruating right now. I'm sitting in an office chair in a room full of people, menstruating.