
I'm menstruating right now. I'm sitting in an office chair in a room full of people, menstruating.

That's basically what happened to me. My husband and I are both very musically inclined, and our littlest likes to dance and from an early age she was able to match pitch. Not trying to boast, just illustrating that I understand where you're coming from regarding your kids. Mine just isn't old enough to really tell us

That's true. I have very limited exposure to classes for kids - but based on what I've seen from friends who have put their toddlers (I'm talking 4 and under) into classes... it looks like paying for your kids to goof off with other kids. Which they're happy to do for free at a park lol.

I remember my mother griping that she couldn't get me into music lessons when she wanted to. She had to wheedle a piano teacher into accepting me... and I was 5 years old at the time.

I hadn't heard! Source?

Such big decisions :( I know it's part of being a parent and all, but it's so much harder to decide for my kids than deciding for myself...

Shit... am I supposed to have my 2 year old in classes already?!

This! Supposedly, the dumbass actually said on a show or something that she knows she's not a good writer - I don't have the quote handy and I don't care enough to look it up. But she admitted that she sucks and yet she's still insistent on using her own shit when there's people who write well for a living available

I don't necessarily disagree with you- especially considering the horror of having to continue incubating something you don't want inside of you - but it is also pretty horrifying to bring a child into this world before they are due. Premature birth shouldn't be taken lightly, *but obviously neither should the

I didn't even know I was pregnant until I was 8 weeks along - and that's not an uncommon thing for people that aren't actively trying to get pregnant (and therefore testing their pee every week).

Top Gear was funny and accessible to lay people that know dick about cars, while still pleasing people that do know and love cars. It's fabulous, I love it, and I'll re-watch old episodes fondly. Used to watch it with my dad all the time... I might have to buy all the DVDs so that I can share them with my girls, too.

LOL you asked for it! You make a fabulous point - I mean, lots of people like to piss and moan about how nobody send invitations anymore thanks to Facebook. Nobody calls anymore thanks to texting. People don't even use words any more thanks to Emoji.

Oh my God, I'd be furious! It's one thing to just kind of passively be ignored... that I can let go. But that's just mean!

This. I used to wear makeup and I knew the ropes like 10 years ago. But I haven't for a long while, and now I feel really clumsy and ignorant. I want to get back into knowing what works for me and using good products and stuff, so I tried asking at a department store like a month ago and I was totally brushed off.

My husband also abused his face with bar soap. One day I caught on and I taught him how to use my cleanser and how to moisturize. His skin is pretty now :D

I've never shopped at a Sephora - what reasons are there to shop at Sephora versus drug stores, department stores, ULTA, etc?

I love that idea- I think I'll do the same. I don't want to start crying at work, lol, but the very idea of elder abuse makes me emotional and I hope more people will take this as a chance to do some good.

This article is fantastic. I think a lot of it is intuitive - well, of course you'll be disappointed if you expect life post-wedding to be different - but it's not stuff people seem to think about when they're in the blizzard of wedding planning.

This. All the shady stuff surrounding this book has completely killed it for me. Since I'm not confident that the author actually consented to this, I'm not going to be purchasing or reading it.

Ohh my God, I totally should. At least then I would get a laugh out of the stupid thing lol.