
Well, she was born very prematurely, so she's been watched like a hawk for pretty much everything! So far, her doctors have said that they're not concerned about autism (we brought it up once because a friend told us that liking Thomas the Tank was common with autistic kids)... but she doesn't care for Thomas anymore,

I try to avoid saying it because lots of people don't take that wording well - but I agree. It's a lot like training a puppy... except that we were able to teach her to clean up her own mess, so now she does that!

I love that!

thank you - i appreciate your positive response. the fact is, my husband and i were both heavily abused as children, so we're sensitive to the idea of physically harming our children. we did give it a shot because, well, we found ourselves desperate. and it didn't feel right and - even more importantly from a

I was just talking about discipline with our pediatrician.

I want to say this is a BINGO! comment. I don't have a lot of experience with adoption/foster stuff... but everything you said makes sense.

Agreed. Very well put!

Your post is so well-written and I agree.

I know who I married. My husband is not good under stress. He's not good with "big decisions" or handling stuff like a seriously ill partner on his own. I am 100% certain that if I were seriously ill, he wouldn't be "good" at handling it.

It's so variable. I've got a tattoo on my shoulderblade and it was a cinch. My husband got a tattoo in the same spot and could barely handle the pain!

Yep, husband is happy with garlic in everything. LOL he doesn't always get what he wants, but I definitely cook with garlic waaaay more than I used to. I'd never even used garlic salt before I met him!

Exactly. Everyone that brings a case to a judge for stupid reasons just makes it harder for "real" cases to get the attention they need, especially since judges don't actually hold people accountable for perjury in family court.

Same here! I've always liked garlic... but now it's in damn near everything I eat thanks to my husband lol. At least I know he's not a vampire :P

Garlic >>>>

BAHAHAHA I'd have to work for three years to make that much money (well, not a whole three years, exactly, but you get my point).

Think about it this way - 20% for someone that is not well off is different than 20% for someone that is well off. This man is obligated to provide for his children per the legal guidelines that apply to everyone. The judge should calculate what his income is, take the 32% (they must have more than one child), and

I'm a big believer in butter & milk (or cream)... and salt. Maybe cheese and bacon... that kinda thing

I've been seriously on the fence about getting an IUD... the thing is, as appealing as it sounds, we'll want another kid in the next 2-3 years. And then I want to quit having babies, and I feel like at that point, husband may as well have the vasectomy I've been asking for as a 30th birthday present...

I don't, but a friend of mine tried it and suffered severe mood swings and crazy hair loss. My husband's anecdata regarding Implanon is that it makes women crazy lol.

I've asked my husband to get a vasectomy for my 30th birthday present :)