LMAO! I've got this mom thing on lock!
LMAO! I've got this mom thing on lock!
Remember, these are girls fresh outta high school that they're trying to impress. And when these girls join up, they're going to drink the kool-aid. They're basically a high school clique on steroids, with dues and duties (philanthropy! learn these songs!) and an image to uphold.
Gah, I just saw this after posting a similar (but not as giftastic) comment!
C'mon guys, this stuff is like, the rules of feminism.
Cheers for your cat!
I told one person about the smell thing, and because of his reaction, I never said it ever again because he gave me the weirdest look!
But surprisingly tough! Thank you :) As bad as it was for me, I'm just grateful she'll never remember it!
Ditto. But at least Meyer didn't steal her shitty ideas...
In one line, you acknowledge that the "only" bad part is that the books romanticize abuse and you say it makes you "sad."
It seems like it escalated really quickly, there! She has this kind of calm, even tone... and then she's FOAMING AT THE MOUTH!
It sucked. I definitely don't recommend it. I spent every day doing the exact same thing. Wake up. Go to work. Go to the hospital. Come home late. Husband reminds me to eat. Go to bed.
I think I read somewhere that she's quite wealthy. I think it's more about $$ than intelligence, to be honest. You don't need to be smart to hire a good attorney.
Disagree. Your comment suggests there is something empowering about this book. There is nothing empowering about incorrectly practiced BDSM and abusive relationships.
I'm with you here. If I'd tried to get my one and only fan fic published (wrote it when I was a teen, it got good reviews, etc.), I'd be shitting on everything I loved.
... it's not her piece of shit because she ripped it off of Stephenie Meyer.
I remember those 2 months clearly because my kid was living in the hospital (preemie), and it was almost 2 years ago. But there's a lot that I don't remember at all from that point on. I mean, it's really not as special in hindsight as it is when you're living it. That first smile? I have no idea when it happened.…
I struggled so hard. Breastfeeding was super important to me - I checked out every library book about it and pestered the lactation consultant constantly.
I think your experience is the norm and anyone who says otherwise is saying what they think they're supposed to say.
2 months?! My baby didn't even come HOME until she was already 2 months old (preemie)!!