I feel like a lot of weight is thrown onto the initial attraction thing, when the real decision making usually comes much later.
I feel like a lot of weight is thrown onto the initial attraction thing, when the real decision making usually comes much later.
I mean, I don't only dine at really nice places... but I guess when I was asking around I was asking at places that had really good salads. The kind that I would crave when pregnant. So that probably had something to do with it!
Not gonna lie, I came here to be like "not us!" but if I'm honest with myself, I was immediately attracted to my husband's appearance - but I can honestly say that I didn't really hone in on him until he started talking. I loved his big personality and natural charisma. He just has a way of commanding attention that I…
Love your handle!
Thank you for sharing with us so openly. It was a brave thing to do, and I really appreciated your thoughtful responses. I wish you the very best!
The eggs are often raw, too, which means that Caesar salads are not a safe bet when you're pregnant :(
Okay, but what was the victim wearing? If she was wearing appropriate clothing and not getting drunk, she would have been able to avoid the whole thing. Clearly, it's all her fault and she's just blaming the poor Belgian woman for her own bad decisions.
I'm a lady that got pregnant and gave birth.
OK, so I'm an aspiring writer and my husband is a part-time musician. We get the poor-artist thing.
This! I'm not at all attracted to his face, but his voiiice.
That's where I sit. He's her father. He should be doing everything in his power to see her safe.
I basically slept through half of my pregnancy. Making a human being is freakin' difficult.
What I'm taking from this is that the expectations of American workers are completely ridiculous.
This! Thank you for saying it. I think it's disgusting that these people can treat an unwell pet like this. I mean, by all means - take tons of photos of your cat and meme-ify them... but enough is enough. Stop trying to make a career out of that poor kitty's hide. I wish someone would just take her away and give her…
Oh, but by the end she "saves" him from his depravity with her special awkward Bella Swan powers. 'Cause all that icky stuff was just a symptom of the abuse HE suffered, duh. Healthy people aren't into that power exchange stuff. EL James.... Stephenie Meyers... no, wait, this one was EL James... ugh whatever... the…
I was assaulted in college.
I agree completely. I was assaulted in college. The fact was, I was stupid and drank too much with people I didn't know. I could have avoided the whole situation by being more responsible and I knew that at the time.
I don't find him attractive, at all. But his voice is mesmerizing.
Nothing really bad happened or anything, but I accidentally left my car doors open last night. This morning, I noticed that my driver's side door wasn't closed all the way. My cigarette box (hidden in a pocket in the door) is empty on the seat and my lighter (also in that door pocket) was missing. Nothing else was…
My dad used to joke that my mom had some... abilities.