
Every single dish described here sounds fucking disgusting.

“Nobody wants to work anymore. I mean, these beetles aren’t gonna fruit leather themselves.”

Every single person that defends Lanez should feel like shit after reading this. Especially celebrities and the “friends” she lost.

Remember folks - You have a right to know if you are being detained under suspicion of a crime and WHICH crime. Simply ask - I am free to go? If the answer is not a clear “No” you need to press the question until they tell you EXACTLY why you are being detained (suspicion of a particular crime) or until they admit you

As long as there continues to be a way to shout “Lights off” without getting off the couch I’m cool.

I’m surprised the judge didn’t slap down the defense for doing shit like that.

I think Weinstein is doing what I think Warren Jeffs did: he knows he’s going to lose anyway so he directed his attorney to re-traumatize witnesses all over again as punishment for speaking up.

Let’s find a way to make a story about a woman being sexually assaulted into a story about Jezebel’s favorite topic of the month - age gaps.

Glad to see that in a story about Maria Zardoya, an actual victim of sexual assault, we have more references to Billie Eillish, a victim of being in a consenting relationship.

No, you shouldn’t yell at people like that, period. If she yelled back then it’s in defense and responding in kind. Nice try, tho. Your fellow incels at the Proud Boys shindig may buy that, but we don’t.

Yeah, I’m in the district and voted for Nadler largely because... Maloney seems infinitely better for her constituents in terms of responses, but voted for the Iraq War and appears to be an anti-vaxxer. And Suraj Patel, whilst I would like to see new blood get elected, was only supported by Bloomberg and Yang — so he

How incredibly depressing that this website would refer to The Handmaid’s Tale as “a Hulu show”.

Partially because Amber Heard isn’t a writer so she probably needed help, not everyone is articulate enough to express themselves without help. And to have a lawyer review her statements and offer her some level of legal protection through vagueness. And it seems gross but the I believe the ACLU is run mostly on

The ghost-writing is actually fairly normal for these types of organizations. I imagine what wasn’t detailed here was some conversation between Heard and the writers discussing the substance of the OpEd. Any organization doing the work of publicizing serious issues will have internal communications on delicate topics t

Been dealing with my dad’s decline into senility and it’s a tough thing. He obviously does not see it himself, but it’s stressing out my mom and the rest of us. In this situation, Feinstein doesn’t seem to be willing to step down herself, so only our voters can save ourselves. Just need someone to run against her that

Arizona is NOT a purple state. Two DINOs in the Senate and a Biden win at the top of the ticket is meaningless when you see how red the downballot races went. The same state gave us Paul Gossar, Trent Franks, Walt Blackman (state legislator who wants abortion to be a capital offense), and a host of other QAnon

Arizona, a state which currently has two Democratic Senators

I would be fairly certain that they dont have their captains license.

Since all the tectonic plates float on magma, we all live on boats too and are not subject property tax.

Just go after them with full maritime law then. I assume fire suppression, crew training, emergency measures, etc. are not up to snuff.