Any other Olds out there who are getting a Vanilla Ice vibe from this? No? I'll show myself out as soon as I find my cane...
Any other Olds out there who are getting a Vanilla Ice vibe from this? No? I'll show myself out as soon as I find my cane...
I feel like the tutu-wearing unicorn gamboling in the background is a metaphor for my entire existence.
I've always been suspicious of phthalates, mainly because any word with that many consecutive consonants at the beginning involves some kind of devilry.
I really, really need to brush that wayward lock of hair off her forehead. So badly that I just swiped at my screen.
I have a cat that was named "Babe 2" (his littermate was "Babe 1"). He was extremely skittish and had enormous green eyes so I named him Smeagol. Considering the two distinct personalities he grew to inhabit, it was more appropriate than I could have known.
How does one get a job knitting costume pieces for historical dramas? Because I'm pretty sure this is my dream career.
You get a star for the DListed reference. PHG forever!
I agree wholeheartedly. In particular, his 2013 interview with the elusive Joni Mitchell was truly exceptional.
Cute, but I'm glad she said "yes". Cuz if she'd said "no" he could have refused them permission to land. Or, you know, directed her flight into the path of another flight.
Amen! If I left mine alone for a week it'd be down to my elbows, so instead of celebrating my body I'll be over here celebrating the manufacturers of razors.
OMG I totally missed that. I guess I'd envisioned Al actually wearing it and didn't think to look for it in the backdrop. Thanks! :)
I am surprised and frankly disappointed that he couldn't get Pharrell's hat to make a cameo.
They really are. I never understand why so many people who work on commission act like that. You can't judge how much money someone will spend based on their appearance... didn't they ever watch Pretty Woman? "BIG mistake. HUGE!!!" Hahaha.
"Disinterested twit" is such a perfect description! LOL!
If the salesperson is any good at their job, YOU should be able to ask THEM what your size is in their store, and they should be able to eyeball a reasonable guess. In a perfect world this would happen everywhere and not just at places like Chanel.
What kids are seeing at home is what led us to our current consumer debt crisis. Obviously there are a lot of folks out there who just don't have either the knowledge to pass on to their children or the self-restraint to set a good example. Financial literacy should be taught in schools... it's so fundamental to…
Many, many years ago I was standing in line to to have some photos printed. There happened to be a guy standing in line behind me, though he didn't attract my attention at the time. My turn came, and I approached the counter to transact my business, and shortly thereafter he was called to the next wicket. I gave my…
No kidding! The only event I've been to where there was a Men's line and no Women's line was a Tool concert. It was fantastic. The concert wasn't bad either.
Don't punish yourself for not having accomplished enough. I'm not sure if you're basing that on your own personal goals, or just if you feel like you're not at the same stage as your peers, or where society "expects" 30 y/o women to be. If there are things you want to do, make yourself a "31 by 31" list and do what…
The really sad thing is that J.Law is considered chubby in Hollywood and she has mentioned being asked to lose 15lbs for a role. As far as I'm concerned, girlfriend can eat all the pizza she wants because her size hasn't prevented her from winning an Oscar and signing a contract with Dior.