
I forgot to mention that the "Lance Armstrong's missing testicle" card is one of the less offensive ones. Except maybe to Lance himself (though from his tweet it seems like he's got a sense of humour).

It's basically a fill-in-the-blank kind of affair. Each round, someone draws a card with a sentence with blanks in it, e.g. "__________ gives me uncontrollable gas." Each player has a handful of cards with which to fill in this blank, e.g. "Lance Armstrong's missing testicle" and gets to submit one. The sentence

Nope. I don't even have an electric mixer. I do it all by hand. There are some really great tutorials on on how to make different types of bread. I only really started making it a few months ago and I found them really helpful. And here is a recipe I use frequently (with varying tweaks): http://foyup

I lived alone for many years and everything went stale before I could finish it, until a friend of mine who also loved baked goods taught me this: store your bread in the microwave when it's not in use. It's airtight and the bread will stay soft for days. I guess it's a little weird, but it really works.

Thanks! I don't have a mixer but I find the kneading to be cathartic so it's all good. ;)

Oh my gosh they look delicious! I'm definitely going to make some soon and if they turn out as nice as yours I will be thrilled. Thanks for the recipe synopsis too!

I love bread and like you I refuse to believe it's killing us (celiac disease aside). Nothing is made at home from scratch with good-quality ingredients and then eaten in moderation is killing anyone. I was talking to a friend about this the other day... we think there has been a conspiracy on behalf of the food

Are the Whisper posts of children who despise their mothers? I had one of those moms who really shouldn't have had children (for reasons ranging from temperament to untreated mental illness). There is no easy way out once you're a mother, but there is no way out at all for a kid. You just have to deal with the mom

I too was treated like shit and heard those things and also do not want kids because I'd rather not perpetuate the misery. And my mother is now actually pressuring me to have children using the good old "Guilt and Shame" method (all of my peers have grandchildren and I'm embarrassed that I don't/you'll have nobody to

Nopenopenope. I have a deep-seated aversion to throwing out dirty underwear. I launder it, then throw it out. I realize this behaviour is totally illogical, counterproductive, and wasteful but I can't bring myself to put smelly undies in the garbage bin. I also don't allow anyone else to do my laundry. The idea