Rando Calrissian

They always try to do 1200 plots at once when 1-3 would have sufficed. Drives me up the wall. They still haven’t learn to do 1 plot point, LET IT SINK IN or you know, BREATHE, then move on to the next, and so on and forth. I like Disco but my god, they still haven’t learned to SLOOOW DOWN. I’m making my way thru S2

Aloy is, in my opinion, the best realized female protagonist in AAA gaming history. Not just because of her great character development, not just because she could be an attractive design without feeling objectified, not just because  of the way she navigated her world, but in the way she worked in combat.

Yep, literally starred and then unstarred when he called her an entitled millennial. She’s an entitled person. Millennials have it incredibly hard and have shown themselves to be more responsible in worse circumstances than the generations before them. This is the first time in U.S. history that future generations

Yeah, I was with you until the “entitled millenilal” part. What a great way to age your opinion, and feed into one of the most laughable stereotypes. She’s an entitled person. Most millennials aren’t entitled, they are just living in perhaps the most difficult financial time in decades and decades, in general.

It’s at least ten percent better for your not liking it.

here’s $20 go see a star war

under the skin? her?

“What do you  mean TEN THOUSAND needles!?”

Malboros are interesting because their threat level depends on how important status effects are in the game they’re in. In some entries in the FF series, status ailments are easily resisted, easily cured, or are of short duration, and malboros are just an annoyance. In other entries, Poison and Confuse will hit your

Glad someone mentioned marlboros 

Deadliest enemies feared at both physical and psychological levels:

The Tonberry fight was absolutely hilarious, but for sheer comedy value I think the Hell House fight just barely wins.

oddly enough, this sounds like the best writing Fallout has had since New Vegas.

Now playing

A classic discussion on celebrity lighting.


Total disagreement. This is definitely your perspective and I'd say it's fairly incorrect. 

Y’know, same with Luke Wilson. Richie Tenenbaum is Luke Wilson at his peak.

—don’t forget Nazis!

Yeah I can’t explain it but there’s a genre in my head of ‘airplane movies’ that I wouldn’t watch at home or in theaters, but I save them for airplanes. Mostly really bad chick flicks.

I love watching terrible movies on long flights—like, when I’m home, am I gonna watch Aquaman? No, the hell I am not. But when it’s 3:37 am and I’m 4 hours into a 7 hour flight and everyone around me is sleeping? Bring on Aquaman! I need something to dull my mind and the pain of flying and I’m not downloading that