Rando Calrissian

Higher quality highschool age actors?

There’s no U in Colombia, apologist.

This is just sort of blah and derivative. I’m sure they think it’s an homage but it’s not, it’s just derivative. 

Charlie Booker became famous for Black Mirror after writing TV pieces for the Guardian.

Chekhov’s giant tuna.

Totally agree. I feel like Singer changed the ending to discredit victims on the big screen. I guess he was just preparing early in case Renfro came forward later.

By the way, that film ends with Brad Renfro’s character blackmailing a man into silence by threatening to tell people he is gay and a pedophile. In the book, Renfro’s character shoots the guy instead.

And we all wonder what happened to Brad Renfro. Who was the underage star of Apt Pupil.

I totally fastforwarded through the Spacey scenes and I LIVE for Patricia Clarkson, always, but especially last season in House of Cards. Talk about a goal-oriented role model! 

Yeah, unpopular opinion here but I feel like she is treating her well. She isn’t labouring the questions; they are smiling back and forth and occasionally laughing back and forth. It seems very relaxed and informal, or, at least, much more relaxed than I would have expected. I don’t think she’s trying to breaking her

Ok, was unable to edit but here is the proper post I was writing before getting interrupted.

Whenever someone smiles I’m like... that’s not pre-modern dentistry. But whatevs. Not here for the verisimilitude.

Main cause of breakages and split ends after unsafe heat styling practices bro.

I never look back dahlink it distracts from the naow.

That just breaks my heart. 

Legit stole every single scene. I actually see big things ahead for him. He’s got the charisma to make it big.

ack. basic cable or netflix. or both, at the same time.

I have to give it to Matthew Goode. He is utterly shameless when it comes to the material he picks. I remember when he did that godawful romcom with Amy Adams (neither of them could save it), did a farce of an Irish accent, and when interviewed said, “I took it so that I could come home at weekends... do I feel I let

I wish he had been the main character of Longmire. I might’ve finished it then...

Logan is not going to die. William already told Peter Mullan that Logan overdosed centuries ago. So unless he smuggled heroin into Westworld...