

It's really bizarre that men are doing this on lesbian dating apps. I mean, why even join one? WTF?

And? Straight women invade gay dating spaces like Grindr on the premise of looking for gay besties. Where's the outrage over that?

I actually really liked it because it violated my expectations. I thought it was going to be a typical Disney princess film where there was going to be a lame romance, an evil witchy female antagonist, a damsel in distress, and everything being solved with "true love's kiss" but it had none those things! I liked how

Actually the Joker looks kind of great like that.

Exactly where my mind went, too. I hope his nemesis is Triangle Man.

Let me guess: he's a defender of the 1 Placent.

♫ Uterus man, uterus man, / Doing the things a uterus can / Carries a fetus to gestation / Confuses dudes with its location / Whoa-oh / Here comes the uterus man....

I could actually see them naming it just that.

Was this ever an episode of Supernatural? Good Dog, the backstory they coulde have done with John and Samuel and all the distant Winchesters would have been unreal. And REAL in that the folk lore is already there.

What? No-one's made a Supernatural reference yes? You folks are laying down on the job!

Why do we always go to the Winchester!?

Does California have a conceal/carry law for these? You just want to be prepared.

My son was brutally bullied in middle school. While I WANTED to beat the ever loving hell out of the kid, I didn't. The school was no help, the parents were no help, the church affiliated with the school was no help, the police was no help unless I had proof. Months of phone calls, showing up at school, emails to