Lady Pony

Cue MRAs demanding boys be given something free too because equality

Probably my favourite movie. Co-written by his wife Fran Walsh and apparently in many ways ‘her’ movie. Saw it in the theatre when it was released! (Am old!)

Jia is my hero

Guess I am the last to know. Tbf I only ever lived in the ugly concrete half of the state.

As @deray would say, watch whiteness work (but def not werk)

Tracy, I think you need to find some different friends.

There are bears in New Jersey???

Tbh I prefer the right hand ring.

You said exactly what I feel. I love her voice and learn so much from her words.

Julianne, you've got a kickass job.

Saw her this weekend at Wireless—she was great. And boy can she dance.

Thank you for the righteous outrage of this post. To my mind, every word and sentiment is justified, and then some.


I'm seeing him Saturday and I'm excited too!!

Where is the breakdown of responses? Can't find.

If you can't handle the discomfort of dealing with negative consequences, how bout you stay home and don't fuck anyone?

Damn, Jezebel writers killing it with the prose lately: ‘who looks like the result of a shameful one night stand between a Brooks Brothers suit and a copy of Atlas Shrugged’. Yes.

This was my local diner when I lived in Philly! Really not surprised they’ve done this, they were always super cool.

When the dog came running out of the elevator was my favourite moment.

This article is so well written. ‘Decided vaccines were also in their wheelhouse’. Love.